VIce President Pence leaves 49's - Colts NFL Game as the 49's kneeled for the Anthem

in #sports7 years ago (edited)



VP's Twitter Post Below

Vice President Pence @VP
I left today's Colts game because @POTUS and I will not dignify any event that disrespects our soldiers, our Flag, or our National Anthem.
1:08 PM · Oct 8, 2017

There is a clear battle between good and bad in this country....


So, I suppose he is an authority on how people show respect. Obviously, there are plenty of other ways to show disrespect to the soldiers, flag, and national anthem. These NFL players are making a statement about something that only discussion can begin to solve. His walking away is a way of avoiding the problem. Lead by example.

I honor your country and your flag -- and you can talk. They can meet with anybody they want -- this does not fix anything. Talk....discuss...let's see proposals ....this doesn't fix the guns deaths in Chicago. In fact they don't like talking about that.

How many years did ALL NFL players stand in honor of the country and the flag, and the firearm deaths, discrimination, police brutality, and injustices continued to rise? Only now that they are using their national platform to symbolically protest is the nation's conscious being affected to change.

I believe their silent, non-violent form of protest will make a difference in these things, where so many other options have failed. Without this protest there would be no positive action, no concern, and no proposals as you mention, as there are no effective ones now. It is a show of unity rarely seen. I see their protest as a way to create changes much needed in this country. It puts the issue right in the face of those who can and should do more to correct these imbalances in our society.

In my opinion, they should have been taking a knee a long time ago. I compare it to the civil rights protests and marches in terms of bringing national attention to injustice. In this case, while the injustices are primarily in the African-American community, it is in other ethnic communities as well. Chicago was a major focal point in the Civil Rights Movement. Dr. King and other marchers were assaulted and received death threats along the march route. But, their efforts did bring about improvements for African-Americans there. So, to say the NFL players should not take a knee, or otherwise protest, is to say Dr. King and the others should not have protested and marched.

I feel your passion about it. We are on the same page in terms of wanting solutions.

Time will tell if the NFL players' protest leads to any improvements in these matters. I say they should continue to take a knee until the federal government funds more programs, especially employment, educational, and intervention programs, that both prevent and protect the youth, young adults, and families from crime. The President could do it very quickly via an Executive Order. They have the money for it. No time to waste. We shall see.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I respect those that gave of their lives so we can live as we do in this country. The least I can do is when there is that rare moment where we stand ...then it is my belief it is the least I can do. If I have problems with society and issues than we have to use representatives who voice our opinion while we always have a right to protest (in a peaceful manner). I never heard the passion or voices for Chicago violence -- nobody wants to talk about it. That is something that is ongoing and ignored. This needs to be addressed and change and where is the mayor -- quiet.


I, too respect those who gave their lives in the military, as my father did. I have the folded flag from his casket. The damage done cannot be un-done. The carnage of senseless murder is everywhere, big cities, small towns, and rural areas as well; and it is worldwide. It is why I say taking a knee is appropriate. A United States flag has to be a symbol of life and prosperity, that few would/could argue its merits. Today, too many do not see this attribute in the US flag.

All the senseless violence did not begin with the advent of firearms, and firearms are not the cause. There are many others kinds of weapons used on individuals and entire populations.

Specific to Chicago, there was a passion and much discussion about the violence back in October 1995, during the advent of the Million Man March. The planning and leadership of it were centered in Philadelphia, but the organizing was done in Chicago. What went wrong?

Too many chiefs were giving too many directions. There were loads of followers seeking direction, but too many big egos wanted the limelight, yet had no concrete plans of action, and no follow-up. It fell apart on its own weight. The Million Man March was the brainchild of one man.

Prior to 1995 there began the onslaught of high-rise demolition, and re-location of CHA residents into scattered sites; where the plan was sold to HUD officials as the best way to assimilate public housing residents into "working class" neighborhoods. Also, initiated was the plan to privatize certain public housing sites. Did any of it succeed in stemming the rising tide of violence? No. This plan was the idea of one man.

Politicians cannot talk about what they do not know. They depend on so-called experts to guide/advise them. So, if you have ideas with real potential for success, please submit proposals to your elected officials. You can advocate for your ideas just as well as anybody else. Be persistent. As you see from these two examples, one person can make a difference.

I wish you the best.

Thank as well.

Saw it in the news and wondering what was this about. Thanks

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