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RE: ADSactly Sports - Heroes? How Much Should We Idolize Professional Athletes?

in #sports6 years ago (edited)

we should not idolize, give our energy or money to athletes,war heroes, politicians, movie-stars, tv celebs, or any other public figure... if they want to do what they do, fine, but it will give you nothing back....
what you post about is old... the Romans did this way back...!! and it still works, stupid man brain.....!! ( human means monster by the way... ) propaganda, words, ego, jealousy and,and, and.......
Mankind is still worshiping heroes after thousands of years of bloodshed, hate, envy and so on... we all know it as "divide and conquer...!!"
making somebody more special then all the others. the 0.001% is doing this, and keeping it strong....!! there is a brain mind-fuck overhaul needed to change our view about the way we look at sport, war and other hero's.
and there is also a lot of it here on Steemit...!! plankton and whales... WTF...!!

the world is infested with 7 things... if you ever find a way to live your life without one of these symptoms... call me..!!
1 Luxuria: Lust
2 Gula: Gluttony
3 Avaritia: Greed
4 Acedia: Sloth
5 Ira: Wrath
6 Invidia: Envy
7 Superbia: Pride

and please... do not lie to yourselves, your soul knows...



These are very strong opinions and you can see how this has continued through time. As humans we sometimes seem destined to repeat the same things over and over again. That is why I’m hoping people will stop to think critically about calling people heroes.

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