Bet NBA Finals with Me - THREE "8 Steems" Prizes Up for Grabs If Cavs Wins #2 And You Got Lucky!!

in #sports7 years ago

NBA Finals Are Hot!!

If you are a NBA fan, there is nothing I can tell you... If you are not, simply check #nba tag and you can see a lot of posts - contest, predictions, commentaries, news ... I have nothing to add. I have been an NBA fan for like 20 years, but on and off until recently that Warriors, especially Stephen Curry, re-ignites my passion to watch ... But guess what!? I am not betting on Warriors to win! LOL

So I support Golden State Warriors, not Cleveland Cavaliers ... But supporting is one thing, and betting is another. It all depends on the odds.

My Bet - Cavs to Win  

Taiwan Sports Lottery is the only legal gambling business in Taiwan (well, needless to say, the underground market is much bigger ...) and its odds are mostly slightly inferior to international bookies. But I only bet for fun, it is still a good choice for me.

I missed the first final (betting and live watching) but this time I won't miss #2. So I think, why not drag the Steem community to have fun with me?

First, I decided to go with the Cavs. Simply because ... Its Odds is Good!! 3.3 for Cavs to win this away game!! Despite that I support Warriors, I have great respect for LeBron James and his teammates. I don't think Game 1 is that bad for Cavs. Gosh I can still remember the 2016 Finals... A superb team as well. There is no way to write them off for a price like 3.3!! So go for this option!! See my lottery under.

Invite you to join the fun - Game Rules

As you can see that I bought NT300 for Cavs to win. It is about $10 USD. So if I win, I will have a $10*(3.3-1) = $23 USD net profit and I would like to share all with anyone who join my little game!! :) Here are the rules:

  • Prizes: Three "8 Steems" prizes for anyone who participate successfully. If, most likely the participants are more than 3, then I will run a random process to draw 3 Lucky Winners!! 
  • Participation: No need to upvote the main post. JUST UPVOTE THE "Cavs win but Warriors rule" COMMENT OF MINE (of course, it doesn't matter if you mean it. lol). Please make sure that you UPVOTE WITH A WEIGHT MORE THAN 50%. Of course, you have to do so BEFORE THE GAME starts (less than 20 hours) That's it! upvote the comment with more than 50% weight before the game and you are in. 
  • Announcement: Winners will be announced a few days after the game outcome is out. Only eligible participants will enter the random drawing. 
  • Note: If Warriors win, then this game is OFF. I will lost $10 but luckily with post income to cover it if lucky. But I hope Cavs can win so you get to have a shot at winning prizes. Besides, it will make the final much more exciting. I still believe that Warriors can win the title!! Go! Go! Go! :)  

Thank You for Joining and Upvoting!! I WILL increase the number of prizes shall this post goes unreasonably well compensated! :)



Cavs win but Warriors rule!
[upvote this comment above 50% before the game to particiapte]
p.s. my own vote for putting it on top, I am not eligible. :)


Guys! Thanks for your participation! Still a few minutes to go, but I think we (as better) lost. But I am happy for Warriors! Yep! So, no prizes now. :(
However, to express my gratitude, all 8 participants will get at least one 100% upvotes on your posts from me. Thank you!! Maybe will do it again soon! :)

I hate that I just clicked that. I love the Cavs.

By the way just did a post that you helped inspire me on. You should check it out. You might laugh.

Said you don't have to mean it. :D thanks for joining!
Ned under your pen is .... well, STILL gorgeous! All hail Ned, All hail Ned ...

Hahahhahahaha. That's funny man.

What a great little game, haha. I am in!

I will be fair... Good luck! ;)

I dont know what above 50% means though :p

In for the odds.

Haha great game to have thought of! I salute you!

thanks! :)

Warriors have many shooter
They make 3 point at any time

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