
This really upsets me. If you have to FORCE patriotism, you're doing it wrong. Earn it. Think about America as a family member or good friend. You love them, but when they mess up, you're going to be honest with them. That's what true friends and patriots do. You can love your country, but not agree with 100% of what it does.

Love it as always! Just one editorial note. This paragraph accidentally got duplicated: "At the local level..." :-)

Great article just sad NFL is looking out for the dollars instead of the players. Wonder who's going to be the first player to kneel this year.

OH! So that's what happened that I saw alluded to that I didn't actually care about. It's stupid and fucked up, but it can be argued that they are paying them, and it's their job. Could your job fire you for protesting the national anthem? Or dock your pay? You might consider suing them if they did, if it was enough to bother.

I think that they should consider continuing to protest and asking others to do so along with them, not just for the violence, but for their right to protest.

But, I don't particularly care, as I said, because I don't even watch football, and it is debatable. I think they may have severely fucked up though, if the players do decide to fight back.

"Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels." Seems like an appropriate quote for me to use to express my impression of your article. You are spot on about the hypocrisy of banning the protest in the name of patriotism and the reason the players are protesting in the first place.

The protests are for a redress of grievance and it's hard to imagine a better forum to protest: a stadium filled with tens of thousands of people, broadcast live to millions more.

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