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RE: Will the NBA Help Clean Up the NCAA’s Mess?

in #sports6 years ago

This has been a massive issue for generations it seems. I remember 25 years ago and the issues around Shaq and his time at LSU. He wasn’t even taking real courses at the school from what I remember. The NCAA system is broken and to the point where it encourages programs and players to skirt the rules. NCAA is a massive market and the only ones reaping rewards is the schools and television companies. I don’t understand why they don’t take a percentage of revenues and give it back to the players. This “might” help to eliviate some of the deception. Also, why are we stopping these players from signing advertising deals. If they are marketable and can get a deal from Nike then why stop them. It only helps to further promote the NCAA brand and the schools brand. Heck, they could even set limits on contract sizes or advertisers could kick back a percentage to the NCAA or to the teams for development or other internal projects. As long as the NCAA and it’s twams are taking in billions without any compensation the problem will only continue to get worse.


You're right on with those comments. The system is too rigid and fixated on its fictions. It would be great for them to consider ideas like the ones you are suggesting.

Yeah, they are so stuck in their ways just like baseball and the stuff talked about in your post a few weeks back.

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