
so denver brocnos on a raction....
yeh..its a nice video.....look at the trail of looks like you are the king @brocnutz.....and yes u r .....lets broncnomaniac rocks....

At least while you sort out who's in/out for the 2018 broncos, enjoy the litecoin ride and upgrade those seats at 5280.

I wanna sit on the bench!

If the ltc train keeps rollin, you just might be. They could even use you this year for a want to return some punts and show them how it's done?

Congratulations on the win!! I find American football way more exciting than Canadian football! I look forward to seeing more. I think I am becoming a Broncos fan!

Now we're talking! We take anyone who wants to root for the Broncos! 3x Champions

I just read some details about the history and I had no idea they were in the Super Bowl so many times and AFC champions so many times. I was in Denver once and now I regret not checking out a game!

YEAH! Finally broke the streak and won one! Maybe one of the players saw your recent flurry of vids on the team and played it at practice ;) ? I don't think it would do them any harm as you always lay out some great points. "Put em' on the couch!"

Get back in you hole Chiefs! And shut up too ya lil punks!!!

love your all post upvoted n resteem.

Denver Broncos Shutout NY Jets....Fan Raction...much to improve on.
keep it up....

thank's for sharing


You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win,
Keep it up.

what a creativity!!

broncos is the best

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