⚾️ Wrong Baseball Cap ⚾️

in #sports6 years ago

My parents-in-law came over and hung out with my wife and kids yesterday while I was at work. My father-in-law is a big Los Angeles Angels fan, while I am a Los Angeles Dodgers fan. Since I am a Dodgers fan, that is the team I naturally want my kids to become fans of too so we can enjoy “bonding” together over the occasional baseball game. I have been brainwashing them, err I mean, coaching them, to like the Dodgers accordingly.

Well, this year the Angels are doing well, and the Dodgers are struggling. It is still early in the season, but already the in-laws are gloating and giving me a hard time. Ok, I admit to messing with them when their team is struggling (like most years J) so perhaps this is a taste of my own medicine.

Well, I started getting text messages yesterday while I was at work. The texts had pictures attached and were of my kids in the “enemy’s” baseball cap! Boo!! Here are a couple of pictures:



I also heard they were trying to convert them to be Angels fans, but my son said “No, I am a Dodgers Fan”! Good boy.

Rivalries make sports even more fun and I enjoy the banter with rival’s fans. Now I just need to brainstorm ways to get the in-laws back for this baseball hat stunt…

Take care my friends,



In itself I do not see much the mlb, but with my brother we fought almost every day for the classics of Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​many times we fight for the same thing but we always enjoy knowing it hahaha, greetings and true the rivalries between trusts makes more fun the games.

@ calitoo

Hahaha so is my husband, I am a fan of Madrid and my husband from Barcelona and we always fight for Messi or Christian, it is absurd but we do it and define our daughter as best we look on the personal hahaha, which is really ridiculous but I like sports.

omg.. both of them are soo cute with this wrong basball cap!! good bless both of them! :)

The baby is beautiful, your son of course faithful to his father when they grow up they will decide who to support for now they have to be on their father's side, god bless them

You're tough....with faces that cute in what you call the "enemy's" gear I don't think anyone could judge a change of heart;0) As for getting the inlaws back, I have no doubt you will come up with a clever payback....and of course share it with us all.

This is awesome and so typical . NYY/NYM, Cubs/Sox, As/Giants (Al vs. NL) (Clips/Lakers, Kings/Ducks)....

My parents-in-law came and were with my wife and children yesterday while I was at work. My father-in-law is a big Los Angeles Angels fan, while I am a Los Angeles Dodgers fan. As a Dodger fan, I naturally want my kids to become Dodger fans too so that we can enjoy the "union" together in some occasional baseball game. I've been brainwashing them, I mean, training them to like the Dodgers accordingly.

I can only imagine the good psychological war that your children can have, fighting between the two waters, in my country we also have two teams in this case, which we call with love the eternal rivals, always the jokes, jokes and memes come to light in the middle of the season, my son is still being respected for his young age, but for sure the great training is already beginning ( or brainwashed lol) the good thing is that he has a passion for sports, for sure he will follow the fanatical footsteps of the father leaning towards his team, beautiful your baby, happy afternoon. Excuse my English use translator

She is a beautiful baby and your son is a child so intelligent and loyal to you. A blessing!

Hahahaha your in-laws made a good joke, that happens a lot when there are differences of baseball teams, in my country the baseball fiebrre begins for October more or less the eternal rivals with lions of the caracas and navigators of the magallanes at home we are divided haha but he has a good time

Your children look very cute even if they have that hat hahaha

Hello Friend how are you? oh the grandparents made you a joke hahaha is a classic brma although Jacob is faithful to the team that his dad has taught that is good but just left ponder ja jajaja hahaha are beautiful both

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