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RE: Transforming from Sports Fanatic to Casual Fan... Finding a Whole New Way to Enjoy Sports

in #sports8 years ago

Good stuff, and congrats on the transformation, however it may go. :)

I never was THAT fanatical, but I was certainly a football fan, and the Cowboys were the team. Oddly, I liked Washington too, but only when they weren't playing the Cowboys. I guess I wasn't a real fan, in spite of the fact that I owned a Cowboys uniform as a little kid (remember those?) and never wavered in replying that they were my favorite team, even when they were in the gutter.
My delusion was shattered when Jones took over and fired Landry. The commercialization was already there, I just hadn't quite realized it. Like Randy White said, this has everything to do with Landry being fired. It was Randy, right? haha, been a while...
I've enjoyed a few games since then, including seeing the C'boys win some superbowls. But it's just not the same. A growing family took my attention away more too, as well as focusing on truly important things in life (oh the blasphemy!!).
I'm not sure when I last watched a football game - maybe within the last four years. I watched a fight a couple of months ago too, between someone and someone else. They fought. Someone won. Other than that I can't remember. ;)


I don't think I will ever totally give up sports, but I get where you are coming from. There are just so many hours in a day. Something has to give. For me its my sports obsession. I need to learn to enjoy them in moderation.

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