in #sport2017mma7 years ago


  1. Take a contrast shower for recovery.
  2. Get up early (5-6 in the morning).
  3. Drink plenty of water (1.5 - 3 liters per day).
  4. Start your day with gratitude for everything that you have.
  5. Plan your day.
  6. Set goals, but do not become attached to them.
    Goodbye, goodbye, farewell to your friends and enemies. We are imperfect, so forgive others for their imperfections.
  7. Spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air, or even better - 30-60 minutes.
  8. Do not drink immediately after eating.
  9. Avoid the negative environment.
  10. If, after all, you find yourself in a destructive environment, learn from the "reverse", ie. How not to be. "
  11. Be faithful to your dream.
  12. Surround yourself with worthy people who will contribute to your realization.
  13. Do sports every day.
  14. In times of crisis, carry out the minimum program.
  15. Learn from a professional mentor who will help accelerate your professional growth.
  16. Work while enjoying.
  17. If the work does not like it, but it is necessary for growth and brings it closer to the goal, continue to do it.
  18. If the work does not like and does not bring you closer to the goal, drop it.
  19. Believe in yourself.
  20. Deep breathe as often as possible during the day.
  21. Pray every day, cleanse the soul.
  22. Regularly update the playlist of your favorite songs, listen to them when you need power recharging.
  23. Find the best teachers in every field of life and learn from them.
  24. Give 10% of your income to charity.
  25. Do not be mean to praise, especially for your team.
  26. Be emotional in praise and restrained and delicate in criticism.
  27. Remember: no matter what good deed you do, someone will always be dissatisfied. It's unavoidable.
  28. In the test, be grateful for the victory. In defeat, experience gratitude for the experience.
  29. Be sometimes a child, let yourself fool around.
  30. Remember that the most important thing you need to do first.
  31. Apply as often as possible the principle of "two in one" (simultaneous exercise and audition audiobooks, chores at home and motivating video).
  32. To experience happiness from work, think only of bestowal, not how much money you will earn as a result.
  33. Strive for growth, do not be afraid of obstacles.
  34. Remember: to achieve mastery in any business, you need at least 10 thousand hours of hard work.
  35. Small daily improvements lead to large-scale success.
  36. Say hello to people first and smile at them. Only a strong and successful person can afford to be the first to show benevolence.
  37. The only decent standard is the best one.
  38. Delicately say goodbye to those people who do not contribute to the realization of your potential.
  39. If they are your relatives, love them and accept them as they are. They will most likely never change.
  40. Do not try to change anyone at all. Attempts to change the surrounding people are the surest way to misfortune.
  41. Inspiration comes from the right way of life.
  42. The worse the food and the less mobile you are, the less desire and passion in work.
  43. Be an "elevator" for the people around you. Pick them up.
  44. Treat critics with understanding. These are unrealized people who have no greater pleasure than to express their disapproval.
  45. ​​If a critic is qualified and speaks from the heart, make him a friend. Let him help you become better, and you, in turn, find a way to compensate him for contributing to your success.
  46. What is behind in your life and what awaits you ahead is a mirror image of what you have in it now.
  47. Motivation must come from within. If it is not there, then there can only be two reasons: either there is no energy, or you are not doing the same thing.
  48. Never take any vital decisions in a bad mood. First enter into a positive peak state, then decide how to live on.
  49. Read the mail and social. Network 2 times a day. Maximum.
  50. Words inspire and words destroy. Choose them with sensitivity and love.
  51. To love a person is to help him to realize himself. Even if it is to the detriment of your own desires.
  52. Enjoy loneliness.
  53. It's never too late to start a new business, introduce a new habit and start a new hobby. Keep looking for something that will expand your horizons.
  54. The ability and ability to inspire others to realize their potential is the highest reward of those that exist.
  55. Keep a diary of success, especially in the categories above which you work the most.
  56. Follow the agreement. To do this, do not promise anything if you are not 100% sure that you can do it.
  57. Avoid gossip.
  58. Follow the news, for politics, for the economy, develop spherically.
  59. But remember that the meaning of life in another is in a deep understanding of the laws of the universe and following them.
    This will lead to happiness.
  60. "Active and smart wins active. And among the active - the most intelligent. "Combine the mind and activity.
  61. Analyze every significant event in your life. What lesson did you learn from it?
  62. Stop doing something that does not contribute to TV

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