After Winter 2016. SnowboardingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #sport6 years ago

July 11-14, 2016, Bucegi Mountains - Romania

Although the season was not that generous this year in regards to snow the valleys still had enough to go around for the after season so statistically 20th of July is about the date where I clean up my gear and store it for the summer period.
This years after edit is set on the last patch of snow available on the mountain top. It’s Friday the 8th of July and I have a project in mind but before going up with all my gear I want to make sure that I have enough snow for it so I go wandering on the plateau and close to the Costila relay I find exactly what I need.

Saturday I prep up the gear, do some light shopping, have my dad help out with sharpening the shovel and get ready.
On Sunday lunch time gets a big smile on my face! Why? Well the wind stops and the Cabin starts working. I get pumped up take my gear and start the journey. Once I arrive at the Babele Lodge I unpack and go out for a walk, something was telling me that I can find more snow. Unfortunately I had no luck on that endeavor but at least I used my GoPro now and then on time-lapse and got some nice shots. Usually Sergiu is my guy for this however this time he had other projects and I was on my own.

Next day 7:30 I get up and go down for breakfast. No luck, schedule was 08:00 to 22:00. Bummed out like a kid that can’t wait to try his new toy I wait, eat and then pick up my gear and head up to the spot I found earlier that week.
Once arrived I take a few snapshots of it and then start working on my project, It was all preplanned so I knew exactly what I wanted. I set the clock to ring once every hour just to get an idea of the time. I hear the 10:00 o clock one and suddenly the 19:00 one, sheep herders and their dogs were passing by all day day and the dogs that once barked at me were now my friends … I was so excited I didn’t know when time flew by.

The next day same routine but this time when the clock hits 14:00 I was already done. It was rather hot and the kicker was easily melting but I didn’t care, I was getting in the vibe and started landing my tricks.
I set up my tripod, remote on my belt and continue to hit the tricks. All of a sudden it gets dark and I have to leave, the weather was acting up but I had all I wanted so I didn’t mind.

Days go by and it’s Friday again. I wake up at 5AM looking forward to a time-lapse with the sunrise in order to finish my edit so I decide to head up to Pilon nr 5 of the Cabin route. I knew I would get a better shot from there so I get going full of energy. Just as I setup my gear the sun comes up, I was lucky to get there in time. I shoot it and then head back home with a happy face on.

Directed/ Edited: Viorel Corbu

Special Thanks: Bogdan Musat, Adriano Musaro, Sergiu Gheorghe, Irinel Galan

Filmed on Bucegi Mountains

Thank You:


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