Bye Bye Beginner Runner

in #sport7 years ago

When is a beginner runner no longer a beginner runner? And how can he declare he is now ready to face the world as a fully fledged runner? Here are some answers. If you have been a runner running for just a few weeks then you are obviously a beginner runner. But, should you have been running consistently for several weeks then you are likely a full-fledged runner providing you keep up that same momentum.

The golden question is how are you going to manoeuvre your new vocation as a runner?

Improvements From Being A Beginner Runner Onwards

Okay, let’s say you have been a runner for several weeks now or perhaps, for a few months already, I bet you have noticed some major changes in you physique and well being. Anyone that runs regularly tend to notice their heart muscles and legs growing stronger every day with more oxygen getting into their body.

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On The 12th Week Of Running

At about the 12th week of training is when the regular runners can be considered as becoming more and more fit physically. From this week going on for another 2-3 months of regular training, you will already be taken as a fully fledged runner as he himself will observe. You will definitely notice an improvement in your ? stamina and endurance as well as your running speed v the time you finish. Every week you run you will see more improvements every day in all aspects of running and training. BUT, you should always be very cautious about running before you can walk (excuse the pun). Don??™t overdo it or you will sustain injuries.

Injuries …

During these 2 months of running and training it is when everyone should be extremely careful because they say a runner’s muscles improve much quicker than his bones develop as well as his joints and so, it becomes a period of so many injuries happening to beginner runners.

If an accident does occur and you become injured, try reducing your distance for a while; try limiting your runs to less what you currently do. This way, any injuries are not only able to heal wounds but it also gives ? connective tissues as well as your bones any opportunity to catch up. Only after that and you have felt and noticed that you are back on your running feet again should you start to increase your training more.

Slowly Building Up Your Mileage

Running should be taken one step at a time! You need to make sure that you are able to control any increase in your mileage weekly by making one run much longer than how you did it previously. It should not be more than a 10% increase every other week as your body needs time to recover/rest. However, after two weeks you can already increase another of your runs and after a few more weeks of running, consider doing one run each week.

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No Longer A Beginner

Finally; after several months of training and running for run events and races, you will have to say fairwell to ever being a beginner at running. You are now faced with the decision to just simply run for the sake of having an exercise and sweat out; or whether you really are bent on running to improve your performance, endurance and strength as well.

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