Goodbye gym.

in #sport4 years ago

Maybe I must admit it was my fault, the covid 19, I mean.
I never went to a gym before in my life and I never subscribe a one yera full contract in a gym.

This year due to my personal mental problems, my psychiatrist suggest me to join a gym, because it can help with endorphins or something similar and it can help my mood and my health and can also be useful to maintain a normal weight also if I am under medicines that make me put on weight easily.

So I visited this gym, I was suspicious initially because I was not used to a gym but I felt good vibration and I had good intentions so I subscribe according to my financial status a full year subscription.
Some says "Wow a miracle" because I am really not the sporty type, my favorite spirt is watching TV series on the sofa, eating junk food and reading on bed so I am not so much active in any activity that concern the use of the body more than walk from house to the market.

Si that's why I say it was my fault the pandemia some God or similar must be so surprised of my subscription that say "OK, she join a gym the world must end".

By the way I use sarcasm to fight the situation but I am very worried and I and anxiety about the new wave of cases here in Italy.

I am also sorry for all who work in gyms etc.. Because it's not easy pay taxes if they don't work, it's not possible. So I really send a big hug to them.
I also miss the gym because once I tried it I loved it and I followed many courses, now I can follow some online, but it's not the same thing.

I hope this situation will end soon for everyone.
And I hope all of you are safe and well.

Have a nice Monday.

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