SPORTS ROUND-UP: Derrick ‘The Black Beast’ Lewis wins after almost getting the shit beat out of him!

in #sport8 years ago


When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go… or not.

We’ve all been there… driven to distraction by the desperate need to bomb the toilet... to do a number two.... to take a poop! Unfortunately when you’re standing across the Octagon from a 6’7” Hawaiian powerhouse, in the form of Travis Browne, you’d think that holding your shit in would be the last thing on your mind.

Not Derrick Lewis though.

After being hit by a body kick, Lewis was holding his stomach (and his shit) oblivious to further blows being rained at his head. Lewis was more troubled by the prospect of being internet fodder than being bludgeon by Travis Browne.

If nothing else happened, Lewis was not going to shit himself on TV.


So, for the best part of the first round, Lewis seemed more concerned with the movement of his bowels than with his opponent, Travis Browne.

Needless to say when the bell sounded, Browne took the first round and Lewis took a well needed break on his stool (pun intended).

Lewis got it together in the second round. He closed the gap on Browne and proceeded to take out his frustration on his opponent. Lewis stopped Browne in the second round by vicious ground-and-pound to win the main event of UFC Fight Night 105 (Someone should have told Lewis that there isn't a man alive brave enough to say anything to his face were he to have an unfortunate bathroom incident in the cage).

The drama didn’t end there…

Referee Mario Yamasaki came in for criticism for letting Browne take unnecessary punishment on the floor at the end of the fight.

Few jobs can be more daunting then refereeing a heavyweight bout. However that’s the gig Yamasaki signed up for. It’s his duty to protect the fighter and he allowed Browne to take two or three blows as he lay prone, unconscious on the mat.

This wasn’t one of those fights where a fighter was not unconscious by a thunderous punch or head kick. With the opponent landing a blow or two quicker than the ref can intervene. Yamasaki should have been able to anticipate the end of the fight.

Browne was buzzed and wandering through the woods in the world of half dreams for the best part of a minute. He was barely intelligently defending himself on the feet and when he ended up with Lewis mounting him, Yamasaki should have been itching to step in. These are two big dudes that can rain down hell. Lewis proceeded to do just that and continued even after Browne was out. What pissed me off was that not only was it a late stoppage, Yamasaki was just so lack lustre and half-hearted about it.


Yamasaki did Browne zero favours last night.

Lewis gives zero fucks


Derrick Lewis is like a forbidden treat. You KNOW you shouldn't laugh at the things he says but you can’t help it.

Asked post fight whether he regretted the extra blows delivered to Browne, he said he wanted to pay Yamasaki $1000 for letting the fight go on longer than it should have.

“I appreciate the referee [for letting it go a little longer] because he [Browne] likes to beat on women.”

(Referring to well-documented domestic violence allegations against Browne)

So who would have guessed it... the self-proclaimed “Black Beast” doesn’t like men hitting on women.

Unless it’s him attempting to ‘hit on’ Travis woman (in a romantic way),

“Where Ronda Rousey fine ass at.”

He beamed in the post-fight interview! The man's a beast!



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