Flying: Sport or fun?

in #sport3 years ago

There are people who yearn to ride a parachute or paragliding, they have that as a pending, but, what is it about looking for such an experience, I particularly prefer to be with my feet on the ground, but I know many people who are dedicated to this type of disciplines, in which with each jump they risk their lives, those extremes are not of my attraction, but, I know that for many people they are.

But beyond all this there is a sport, with different disciplines. Recently I was reading about it, because I was struck by the fact that there were people who traveled very long distances, even passing between different states, hundreds of kilometers, I did not know, I always thought it was more about jumping from a certain height and slowly descending while contemplating the panorama from above.

I guess it must be a great experience to be able to see your city or your town from the heights, however, it is not something I would like to do. But I know that those who do it professionally must go through a lot of preparation both physically and mentally, and even study all the necessary regulations, which are structured in such a way that it is worldwide, and the purpose of all that is to avoid accidents, which considering that the person is at great heights, are usually fatal accidents.

So, as an answer to the question that serves as the title of this post, paragliding can be both for distraction and valued as a sport, risky, yes, but I think all sports have their dose of risk.

Is it something I would do, no, I don't see myself in that, since I don't like heights, but it is very practiced, there are many adrenaline lovers who don't have the slightest problem to dedicate themselves to it, my respects to those people. I am not afraid of speed, so I could go in a car at more than 100 km/h but heights do not attract me.

So, to each his own, while I keep my feet on the ground.




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