Who Loves Volleyball? I Do!!!

in #sport4 years ago

On Zizy Mena's post on #uptrennd, "Let's Talk Sports!", she asked her readers and followers, "What football team do you support and why?" Also, "If you don't like football, what sports do you love?" and lastly, "Have you ever supported a football club just because your sweetheart supports it?" Well, I didn't care about football because I don't follow any club, but I prefer to watch the Australian Rules Football instead. But of course, I know that football or soccer is the most popular sport all over the world. A lot of people are very passionate about it and highly fanatic of that sport.

Then, I read some of the comments on her post to find out if there's anyone who is into volleyball since Zizy mentioned she was very good at volleyball. I was curious to know how many would answer "volleyball" as the sport that they love or any other sport. Only a few mentioned volleyball in their comment; and, I was one of those. I also love playing tennis, even though I'm not very good at it. But I am a HUGE fan that I religiously follow every Grand Slam tournament and all the tours that are aired on Sports TV. And lastly, I love cricket, too. I'm a big fan as well. A few of those that commented on Zizy's post mentioned that they liked cricket.

But for this post, I will talk about my passion for volleyball.

I played volleyball competitively from 2016 up until June-July last year for a local club here in my town. When I started in 2016, I played with my co-teachers and we competed against other teams in the C-grade level. There were 3 levels, and the C-grade is of course the lowest grade. You'd think the players were not that good in the C-grade, but they're actually good. Well, not as great as the ones in the A- or B-grade, but still the competition was fierce. The volleyball match was every Tuesday night.

So from 2016-2017, I played for our school team. Then in 2018, our team decided not to register for another season. Not because we were always losing. In fact, we always reached the Grand Final for four seasons. The last season that our team played, we actually won the Grand Final, but after that, our captain decided not to register again.

I was devastated. I don't know anyone in the whole volleyball association except my co-teachers. And I'm very reserved and shy so I don't like approaching anyone. But because of my love for volleyball and the competitive nature of the sport (yes, it can get very competitive), I had to be brave enough to ask another local team if they would let me join their team. Luckily, they accepted me. They said I was good and that they did want to recruit me. I was encouraged. So, in 2018-2019, I registered for another team and played in the B-grade level. That was really exciting. Even more competitive than playing in the C-grade.

I played every Tuesday night. I didn't miss a match, until the volleyball season last year, which was from March-July. During that time, I had to miss some of the games because I had to travel to Adelaide for my doctor's appointment.

The season July-December of 2018 was the best volleyball season of my life. The team I played for reached the Grand Final, however, we came second or the finalist of the match. We did a really great job considering that at that time there were only 5 of us to compete against 6 players in the opposing team. Nevertheless, I knew we played well. We were in good spirits. All of us in our team received the runner-up medal or the silver medal.

Then, it was time to announce the winner of the Best and Fairest Player. Of course, I didn't expect I'd be chosen. Maybe I just didn't believe well enough in myself, but they called my name. Did I hear it right? I was voted the Most Valuable Player or the Best and Fairest Player in Division 2 (B-Grade Level). So apart from the silver medal, I also received the Gold Medal for being the Best Player the whole season.

When the announcer called my name, I shrieked out loud!!! I was over the moon as that was the first gold medal I received in a sports competition. I was filled with sheer happiness and joy! That night, I could not wait to come home to tell my husband, John, about this achievement. I was literally jumping for joy like a child.

I said to him that I would always play every season for as long as I was able to play and uninjured, God willing. Last year, mid-2019, circumstances changed and I had to stop playing the sport that I really love. But that's okay. The circumstance was actually way better than getting the gold medal!!!

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