Kembali atlet jepang dipulangkan ke negara asalnya - Again Japanese athletes are sent home

in #sport6 years ago (edited)


Selamat siang sahabat steemians

Hari kedua setelah pembukaan Asean Games Jakarta palembang 2018 didalam masyarakat masih banyak yang mengagumi spektakulernya pembukaan yang dilakukan terlepas bahwa masih adanya kontoversi tentang siapa sturmand presden jokowi dan tarian pembuka yang memukau. Disamping juga anak ajaib joni yang menonton secara langsung perhalatan tersebut dengan duduk bersama orang – orang penting negeri ini

Tetapi ada berita yang kurang mengenakkan datang dari kontingen negara sakura. Empat orang atlet negeri sakura tersebut dikabarkan dipulangkan ke negara asal mereka dengan alasan indispliner. Ke empat atlet tersebut adalah Yuya Nagayoshi, Takuya Hashimoto, Takuma Sato, dan Keita Imamura Mereka beasal dari cabang bola basket.

Komite Olimpiade Jepang (JOC) mengatakan mereka kedapatan berada di daerah merah jakarta tempat prostitusi yang ada di ibukota. Bagi jepang ini bukanlah pertama kalinya mereka memulangkan atlet ke negaranya. Pada asean game 2014 mereka juga memulangkan seorang atlet renang karena kedapatan mencuri kamera wartawan.



The second day after the opening of the Asean Games Jakarta palembang 2018 in the community there are still many who admire the spectacular opening that was done despite the controversy about who the sturmand presden jokowi and the opening dance are stunning. Besides being a joni prodigy who watched the equipment directly by sitting with important people in this country

But there is news that is less pleasant coming from the Sakura country contingent. The four athletes from the cherry country were reportedly sent home to their home countries on an independent basis. The four athletes were Yuya Nagayoshi, Takuya Hashimoto, Takuma Sato, and Keita Imamura. They were from basketball.

The Japanese Olympic Committee (JOC) said they were found in the red area of Jakarta where prostitution is in the capital. For Japan this is not the first time they have sent an athlete back to his country. In the 2014 ASEAN game they also sent an athlete swimming because they were caught stealing a reporter's camera.


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