Simple Tips To Become A Better Manager - The Manager Series #4

in #sport7 years ago

wenger thinking.jpg

This weekend I did a football trainer course, and I was stunned at how much I learned. This course is the first of many courses you can do. I am making this post to share the knowledge I learned, and for myself to reflect upon what I learned. These are some of the most important things I learned.


This first tip is just a warm-up tip to get this article started. It's also about the warm-up. Latest scientific research shows that the muscles have to be 39 celsius to perform the best. Our muscles are normally 37. By warming up with a slowly increasing pace for 12-14 minutes we are certain the muscles have reached 39 celsius. You can listen to their breathing if you're uncertain whether the warm-up has been good enough. If they're barely breathing heavier than before you might to do some extra minutes with increased intensity. In cold weather, it's recommended to warm-up for a longer period of time compared to sunny or at least with more increased intensity.

Show - Explain - Show

This tip is quite similar, but something we often forget to do, or most of the time, don't do at all. Before starting an exercise, you must first show the exercise. By doing so you increase the chance they will succeed and learn how to do it quicker. Once showed, you start to explain. If the exercise has to the purpose of improving your passing game, then you explain how you make a pass. Like you're talking to five years old. You will be surprised how many, also adults, can't explain what you do or must do to make a great pass. Once showed and explained you show it again. This will make them notice that they just heard you talk about.

Progression - Regression

Let's take the example above. Let's say you have set up your whole team to do a passing exercise. They are simply standing with the front facing each other and passing the ball. One touch, then the pass. Let's say it's all done with your strong leg. Then you notice it's too easy for some of your players. That's when the progression starts. You make the drill harder for them. But only for them. Or, only for the players who find it easy. You add something to it. Maybe now, they have to pass it with their weak foot. Maybe they have to pass a bit harder. Maybe they have make the first touch with their weak foot. Be creative. It goes the same for the weaker players. If the starting point was too hard you make a regression.

Image sources: Can be found in the other "The Manager Series"


Progression makes sense, I mean you have to practice to become better and then you go to the next level. Are you taking another course?

Yes exactly. I will take the last part of the course next weekend :)

Great! Please do share your next course with us, if I may ask do you work as a coach or anything?

Yes, I do. coach for the a U16 football team. Do you work as a coach?

Wow thats amazing, I love football but unfortunately I'm not a player or a coach, when I was a kind I wanted to join a team but I never did, so now I just watch to much footbal XD. Can you tell me the team you coach?

It's a team from a small town in Denmark, so you won't know it, if you're not from Denmark ;)

I'm not from Denmark, but please try me!

Never knew that you had this series, this is awesome!
Please keep this series going!
One of my biggest dreams is to learn and do some football coaching, its been a dream of mine ever since the first time I played Football Manager.

Haha thanks! You should just start becoming a manager! What's holding you back?

There's not a lot of opportunity for it in my country

Where are you from?

South Africa

Why isn't there a lot of opportunities?

I'd be lying if I said that sport education in South Africa is horrible.

We probably have the best in Africa, but ultimately, when it comes to what I'm currently studying, computer science, the opportunities for that are far greater.

So are you doing a lot of progression or regression with your players? haha

Haha it depends ;)

Things like these make one have a rethink about bad mouthing managers next time we feel down from a defeat. Coaching is just not easy and it's more intense than standing at the edge of the touchline barking at players. A lot of background sweat is being revealed by these manager series.

PS: I also feel like I am learning life tips I can apply to my daily interactions and activities. The Show-explain-Show for example. My kid bro could use some of that the next time I teach him math.

Great explaination.... I hope we dan be a better manager in our institution.

Well, it seems to have entered the series 4 posts about the manager, I do not know before. Really interesting, hopefully after reading this paper I can be a successful manager in SFPL, hehe

Here bro, please don't flag me as spa lol.
I wrote one short post welcoming Henrick Mikhitaryan to Arsenal

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