Getting Your Team Into Shape - The Manager Series #3

in #sport7 years ago

It's been some time since I have done a "Manager Series" post, and I thought this might be the perfect time for it.

I am the manager of a U16 team in Denmark, and is enjoying it very much. One of the aspects we have been working on during winter is passing. Trying to minimize the touches on the ball and being able to pass the ball around under pressure. As the season is getting closer and closer to the beginning of the season I want to get my boys in shape. Aerobic shape. Increase their VO2. We have so far had two training sessions after the holiday period, so I want to figure out what shape they are in, and what shape they have to be in by the beginning of the season. For doing so, I will, today, introduce the "Bip Test". Most of them, and you, probably know it already. It's an exercise done at a lot of schools. It's hated amongst almost everybody. If you don't know it, it goes like this: You set up two lines, with a 20-meter space in between. You start off at one line when the speaker says "beep", and you then have to run/sprint to the other line before the next beep, as the next beep signals that you have to run again. It gets harder and harder, and that's why it's so awful exercise to do. It completely destroys you. Slowly but steady. Take a listen and a watch in the clip below. Watch out! It might bring back traumas!

To be in great shape is very important in football. First of all, you are basically running for 90 minutes, and you are running a lot. Teams in very good shape tend to win the game in the last 10-15 minutes, as that's when it get's really tough. When being in bad shape you don't make the right decision, you don't think clearly, and you don't have enough energy to communicate with your teammates. By being in shape you can sprint at 100 % when the others can't, you can communicate, and you win most of the 50/50 situations. Atletico Madrid is a perfect example of a team in great shape. Having a condition like Atletico, be as tactical as an Italien club, and be as technical as Barcelona, then you have a great team. Impossible? Probably. So for now, I will work on my team being in the great shape, as Atletico.


I've always been good at this exercise in school, I miss doing it!
I know its weird but I didn't hate it, I don´t love it, but I always want to win so I would run/sprint until everybody stopped, sometimes with success...
I guess my mother always kept me in good shape, now I realise that for a little boy I was killing it.
I kinda want to get all of my friend back together to do this TEST

Haha would be a fun reunion..How far did you go? At what level?

I have no idea, I never thought so many years later I was going to be talking about this exercise :D
I wish I could remember it, I'm sure that it's not that crazy, but at the time I was making better than some kids that played football for sure...
Thank you, for that memorie, such nostalgia that I'm feeling right now!!

Haha cool. The player who did best at my team did 11.0, which is pretty good when taking into consideration that we have been on vacation :)

yep, definitely after lvl 9... I was listening and it starts to get fast :D

You were right, just hearing that beep brought back some bad memories. I used to be completely out of shape when I was younger so I'd only run to the level that would give me a sufficient grade, haha.

Haha. Sounds like we had the same tactic ;)

I believe that being in shape is one of the most important things in football and I totaly agree on that thing with Atletico Madrid.

They outrun opponents in every game.

From my case, when I was at my peak, I was pretty dominant as I was stronger than others.

That wouldn't have been possible if I wasn't in good shape.

Now that I only play few times a week and I'm out form, I'm not that dominant as I used to be.

Did you ever do this test, if yes, at what level did you stop?

Haha... Even before you mentioned Athletico, I kept picturing you were describing them.

Nice post! This exercise seems tough, but I believe that practicing it indeed can get someone in a better shape and increase stamina. Also I strongly believe that as you said teams in good shape win at the last minutes because the opponents are physically exhausted.

I like your video thank you for sharing that following you 💪🏻❤️

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