in #sport6 years ago

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There are several sports streaming platforms with each posing its own myriad of problems such as lack of transparency, poor manufacturer markup, artificial price and pad packaging, they are limited by the inefficiencies of their centralized mechanisms for income distribution, most sports streaming platforms as at today create limited accessibility of fans to their choiced team, blockchain provides an all in one solutions to this problem in the different sports platform through sportsfix, it provides qualitative solutions that can seamlessly carry out the process of networking stadium decentralized platform that can fully get fans fully involved in the game. It gives it supporters the opportunity to open the content of the sport as well as their choiced product qualities. Many nice features can still be chosen by fans even while watching the game; it gives fans an everlasting relief of only paying for what they watch. Sports clubs can carry out interaction and also notice and then confer rewards to their very loyal fans that have been duly active digitally. Sportsfix digital platform churns out unparalleled peculiarities such as:

• The opportunity to choose the kind of game you want and would like to watch with the sports fix token SFT.

• It gives fans (consumers) the opportunity to buy tickets on the day of match.

• Sportsfix gives room for an easy sign of a person as season ticket holder (DSP)

• It can also facilitate a one day match via the club sponsor

• Video qualities are broadcasted to fans in HD quality.

• It gives room for fans to watch the game together and then later share their minds, views as well as comments with the public.

• With sportsfix, one can actually earn loyalty points and also make predictions of games outcome.

• One can be easily noticed and given an award or privilege to register as a DSP.

• The sportsfix token is a product of many years of sport experience, it creates a platform that can ensure digital streaming stadium OTT to provide unique offers with commensurate premium crowdfunding, the sports fix token is built to help and also involve users (consumers) fully on the ecosystem of the stadium digitally.

Sports fix aims to eliminate and rebrand the expensive, incompatible, inconvenient and huge cost nature of sports, with sport fix the days of unaffordability and inaccessibility of fans to sports benefits are finally over as it aims to remodify all sports content by seamlessly removing all middlemen within the system. The after effect of this is that it will give new and better income streams to rights holders and also to fans alike, with blockchain as its underlying framework it will ensure a secured identity, better payment systems, qualitative user viewing rights and also a unique front for consumers of sports (fans) and its providers respectively.

The sport fix token SFT uses the symbol SFT and so far has an issued total quota of 800,000,000, with token price (USD) pecked at 0.10, its presale discounts are with 30-50% and with a soft cap($) of 2000,000 and a hard cap ($) of 37,200,000, the digital stadium houses components occurring in tiers to promote user experience, the tiers are the bronze stadium, the silver stadium, the gold stadium, the platinum stadium and the super fan stadium

• The bronze stadium: provides fan a standard OTT streaming experience with a custom feature, it is always unlocked to aid digital pass holders.

• The silver stadium: possesses a complete feature that is unlocked for use by its fan base and this comprises of earning loyalty, accessing group leaderboard competition etc.

• The gold stadium: this keeps all the features and peculiarities of the silver stadium and then gives access to users (fans) to enjoy at least a minimum of 5 customized features in the digital stadium.

• Platinum stadium: it allows users (fans) to have unfretted access to all custom features.

Sports fix is sure a mind-blowing breakthrough invention that ever came through for the world of sport, even though has Asia dominated and many other territories yet uncovered it still poised towards ensuring that does not just cover this territory eventually but also provide a decentralized sports media ecosystem that can actually change the way and manner fans engage in sports.

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AUTHOR: Samelvis


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