Spooks? Or Just a Coincidence? I'd Like to Know Your Thoughts!

in #spooks6 years ago (edited)

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Spooks or Just a Coincidence? I'd Like to Know Your Thoughts!

Hi everyone,

I'm preparing a presentation which should be finished and up by tomorrow night. It'll be an as-objective-as-possible exposition of DEN, Brock Pierce's history in the 2000s, and his association with Block1 and EOS.

In other news, here in the Asian country which rhymes with "Fry-nuh" a couple weird things have happened in the last 24 hours. I wanted to share them and get your opinion on them:

Since March, in this Asian country, I have been critical on Steemit and Youtube of the powers-that-shouldn't-be of this place and even hosted a seminar detailing Mark Passio's work on Natural Law: Why the current human condition is slavery, how it got to be that way, and how to break free.

Late Night Creeps

Last night at about 11:30 pm (Saturday), two people from the roof of the adjacent building shined a flashlight into the window of my girlfriend's apartment. That rooftop is about 3 meters from the rooftop of her own building and about 3 meters higher than her window . Her lights were off. The flashlight beam swept the room and then came to us on the bed. It stopped there for a second before I realized a flashlight was on me and sat up to look.

The flashlight went out and as I went out to the balcony, two heads ducked behind that roof's wall. About 10 minutes later I went outside to check and saw one head looking at the room still. I pointed at him and said "YOU!" as he ducked down. I told the residents of the neighboring building's apartment that there were two weirdos on the building's roof and to not open their door.

I checked a couple more times and didn't see anyone.

I asked my girlfriend what she thought it was probably just some creeps or voyeurs looking through people's windows.

Starbucks This Afternoon

This afternoon I went to a Starbucks inside of a shopping mall to work. I was sitting at a long desk looking out of a clear window to the shopping mall interior. About 10 minutes after sitting down, a man about 30 years old came from the shopping mall striding quickly towards my direction. He walked up to the window, in front of where I was sitting, looked at me and waved as if he knew me.

He came into the Starbucks and approached the stool next as I gave him a "wtf-do-you-want?" look. My girlfriend had been sitting there but was up ordering for us. She came back as he was sitting down and I was telling him he couldn't sit there.

He had on a cheap looking, too-big black and grey vertically striped button-down shirt. He was kinda ugly. And had shifty eyes.

My girlfriend came back and immediately asked him what he was doing? He said that he saw an empty stool and wanted to see if he could sit there. She said no, there was no room, and he said ok and walked out. As he was walking out, he looked back at me 2 or 3 times as he slowly rounded the corner. I was mean-mugging him the whole time he was leaving.

I'm writing this for four reasons:

  1. It makes me feel better to write it out
  2. If anything untoward occurs, there will be a reference to it BEFORE.
  3. Creeps are like cockroaches. If you shine the light on them, they scurry.
    4. To find out if anyone who was experience in this, either spooking or being spooked, if this sounds like something more serious than just a couple coincidences.

Both times they seemed pretty amateur, easily caught, and nervous themselves.

At the moment, I don't know. This place has a fair share of weirdos and being a blond foreigner, I get a lot of attention, 90-180 degree head turns as people walk by sometimes.

It could just be two strange coincidences, or it could be something more.

What do you think?

-Michael McGillicuddy
Guangdong, China



*Went to the neighboring rooftop this evening. Looked from their vantage point down to our apartment. Of the inside, not much can be seen, only part of the bed. Leaning toward thinking it was just a couple creepy doofuses that time

Just coincidences. Strange things like this always happen in China, these stories don't even seem weird to me :)

Thanks for the consolation. I think you're right. Another UPDATE (hehe): Took a walk up a mountain, finishes most of the editing for my EOS-related video (just need to record the voiceovers) and had a weirdo-free day!
@trevord you're in China too?

flashlight was likely the security guards like in tian di feng jing. the spooks you see at starbucks usually blend in, not the other way around. they used to carry fake MP3 players and sit close to you and stay very quiet. once when we waved at two of them ( in their early 20's ) they looked at us, looked at eachother and then got up and bolted right away. If this was around the time when you were holding "free the slaves" meetings then I would be more inclined to think that they were spooks. But these days... they don't need people to do it anymore. Your iphone is your own personal spook. And as for surveillance in your apartment... they just need to wait for you to go out, break in ( without forced entry ) and install equipment, then leave. Don't be so paranoid man. You're definitely being watched. But not that way :P

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