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RE: Splits Training 2 weeks

in #splits8 years ago (edited)

just ignore me then, flagging people more like you are doing then playing the victim to justifiy your actions is not working. so if you choose to keep flagging people and pretending like you don't know why people are talking about it it is not going to fix anything. we all know hes flagging you and doxxing you because you are flagging everyone. this will be my last response to you. you can not stop me from talking to others. so why not take your own advice and stop with the flagging and be the bigger person. if you stopped flagging people this would be over. you couldn't even go 24hrs without flagging someone after doxed. can you not see both you and him are in the wrong? fucking stop with the flagging and both sides of this could stop. god damn its like you want him to fuck with you so you can play victim. I know you think im trolling but im just trying to get you to stop this endless cycle. you even say d I c k b u t t in your comment then flagg it when it pops up when you know you called it.
please just stop with the flagging and the victim shit, take responcibility and move on.
this will be my last attempt to try to talk to you.

ok maby not. you want to flagg me more right after I said I would stop talking to yu when you say you wanted to stop flagging me? fuck you I have no cares now. have fun getting doxed. your a waste of my time. have a great life playing the victim when your causing this shit. so thank you for another flag you piece of shit

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