My 3x Level 3 Alpha Legendaries!


I am generally not good with timing things right, financially speaking, or being capable of having any sort of patience which always comes back to bite me later on down the road.

Today however, I logged into my account to see the prices of my alpha legendary cards that I have actually been holding for a little bit now skyrocketing (especially on the Angel of Light).

I really wish I had kept more of my alpha cards but even still it does feel nice having some to hold and feel good about.

I think I must have paid somewhere around $10 per BCX on my Angel of Light when I bought that and since it's a level 3 with 4x BCX I paid about $40 for it. Now when I log into my account, it tells me this card is worth almost $350 because the lowest priced card is in excess of $80.

It's just crazy! Now I'm not sure if someone would actually spend that kind of money on a single card but it feels amazing to even see that, knowing in some way luck was on my side when I picked this card to buy.

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