Alpha Collection - Rebuilding


I'm trying to rebuild my alpha Collection from back in the day when I had a fully maxed collection of alpha cards but it's obviously not so easy to do anymore.

Here's what I've collected so far!


what did you do with that fully maxed collection bro??
did you sell it back then?

Sadly, I know what they say about hindsight =/

bro i really feel sorry for this
you had a max collection and you sold it??
god ...and you know what...i believe we still have not seen anything about the progress of the game....wait to see land implementations and you 'll then find out where the game is gonna go in prices

I was an investor in this game before there was even any game play whatsoever and the cards were so cheap back then. I sold out way too soon but I'm working on getting back what I can. Just threw another post out there with my latest progress and I've added quite a bit. I'm focused on Alphas only right now.

yeah i love Alpha is the best edition ever for me

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