Mystery Potions Rewards: 29-11-2020

Block: 49104000

Daily statistics post calculating the NET DEC value resulting from Mystery Potion Prizes. Shop prices without discounts are used to generate the following statistics. Today's NET: 74205.

Mystery Prize

Winner Prize DEC
@splinternewbie 1 Land Plot 20000
@photohunt 1 Land Plot 20000
@moriarty95 1 Land Plot 20000
@juantified 1 Land Plot 20000
@awin 1 Land Plot 20000
Total 5 Land Plots 100000


Type Quantity 💰DEC💰
UNTAMED 30 60000


Type Quantity 💰DEC💰
Legendary 40 1600
Alchemy 50 2500
Quest 9 6750
Mystery 5 6000

Rewards Cards


Rarity Quantity 🔥DEC🔥
Common 18 195
Rare 9 360
Epic 1 200
Legendary 1 1000
Total Standard 29 1755


Rarity Quantity 🔥DEC🔥
Common 0 0
Rare 0 0
Epic 0 0
Legendary 0 0
Total Gold 0 0

Total DEC Valuation

Prizes Received

Category DEC
Mystery Prizes 100000
Potions 16850
Reward Cards 1755
Packs 60000
Total 178605

Approximate Cost

Mystery Potions Running DEC
87 104400

Net DEC Value

Balance DEC
Received 178605
Paid 104400
Net 74205

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62904.22
ETH 2571.38
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.76