SL Trivia Challenge Friday.png

We have decided to take a break on the Fantasy Story & Music Contest for a while. We DO plan to hold special contests, just more sporadically, so keep on the lookout!

We'd already cut back to every other week and introduced a LIVE TRIVIA CONTEST held in Telegram to offset the weeks. This has been going really well and it seems people are enjoying themselves. Plus, Booster Pack prizes = happiness. 😉 So we're gonna keep that going.

And now... for the main attraction....

A simple trivia contest. Each week I'll ask a few questions that you must answer in the comment section to be entered into a random drawing.Every other Friday I'll post a new challenge. You'll have the entire week to answer correctly.Because we wanna get everyone more into the lore side of things. Plus! We truly do like giving away booster packs.

🤓The Challenge🤓

  • You MUST answer the following questions correctly in the comment section to enter the RANDOM DRAWING.
    • Where lie the CAVE OF MYSTERIES? (Hint: Map)
    • The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner. What was his name?
    • Who are part of the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield?
  • Also include a picture/gif of ANYTHING (safe for work, please).

Note: Entries sharing identical answers AND images will be disqualified. Everyone MUST USE A DIFFERENT PICTURE for their entry to count.

Deadline to enter: When this post pays out. I'll announce the winners, send booster packs, and share the new questions every other week.

Prizes: 5 winners will be chosen by RANDOM drawing. Each will receive 1 Booster Pack.

Places to find answers

  • Splinterlands.com - There are little bits of lore on each card, along with a LOT of information. All of which will be fair game.
  • Splinterlore.com - This is the official lore site for the Splinterlands. We are currently hosting the past winners of the Fan Fiction and Art contests along with official stories, maps and more.
  • Peakmonsters.com & MonsterMarket.io - These are a couple of excellent secondary markets run by the community. While our intention is to focus on lore, it's very possible I'll throw in some random stat questions. If I do, look here. 😎

Good luck!

March 20th Answers & Winners!

Where is the Goblin Shaman from specifically? The Smoldering Forest in The Burning Lands
Which dragon summoner is completely blind? Camila Sungazer
The Stone Golems are surprisingly peaceful and gentle. TRUE or FALSE. TRUE

Normally, I will put everyone in a random drawing... But this time everyone's a winner!

🌟 @yonilkar @ronaldoavelino @coolguy123 @xawi @bubke @mister-meeseeks @kreur @smdragon @pardinus @jadams2k18 @shenan 🌟

Reminder: On off weeks you can win more Booster Packs in the Live Telegram Trivia Contest!

Places to learn more, connect and play!

SPLINTERLORE Website: It's lore galore!

SPLINTERLANDS/STEEM MONSTERS BLOG: Where you'll find all the updates.


Where lie the CAVE OF MYSTERIES?
The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner. What was his name?
Originally a human summoner from Lyveria named Claudius Greenforth
Who are part of the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield?

Where lie the CAVE OF MYSTERIES?

The Cave of Misteries is near of Ninhelm and Maka Peak, this place is from Azmaré

The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner. What was his name?

Cladius Greenforth

Who are part of the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield?

The Peacebringers are part of the secret underground resistance to the order of the silver shield

I decided to put this Mimosa Nightshade phone wallpaper because I love this Summoner.
Mimosa Nightshade 3.png

Q1: Where lies the CAVE OF MYSTERIES?


Q2: The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner. What was his name?

Ans: Swamp thing is Originally a human summoner from Lyveria named Claudius Greenforth.

Q3: Who is part of the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield?

Ans: Peacebringers

hehe forgot to add a picture :P XD

Hey! Thank you very much! BOOSTER PACK!

Continuing with this week's trivia:

  • Where lies the CAVE OF MYSTERIES? (Hint: Map)

According to Splinterlore website, the Cave of Mysteries is at the foot of the Maka Peak, in Azmaré

  • The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner. What was his name?

The Swamp Thing is a prisoner of the Living Moss in Anumün who can only leave the Swamps when summoned. He is powerful in magic but grotesque in form. Originally a human summoner from Lyveria named Claudius Greenforth

  • Who are part of the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield?

The Peacebringers are the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield in Khymeria, and the Warriors of Peace are their writers. They have proven time and time again that the greatest weapons are written, not thrown, loosed or swung.

Thanks ^_^

Gifs are from Giphy

Thanks for the booster pack, @carrieallen, appreciate that :)

This week's trivia answers:

  1. Where lie the CAVE OF MYSTERIES? --> Cave of Mysteries is in the Azamre (Home of Water Splinters) surrounded by Maka Peak, Ninhem and Jopal Meadows.
  2. The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner. What was his name? --> Claudius Greenforth
  3. Who are part of the underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield? --> Peacebringers are masters of martial arts and members of the secret underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield

This is the Gighy I want to share:

Corona Giphy.gif

Good Luck guys :)

Wow! Realmente no había echado ojos
a esta clase de concurso en forma de trivia ...
me encanta, es una forma de estar cerca de la historia.
En mi caso particular, soy amante
de leer la historia de las cartas
aunque me he perdido mucha de la historia general,
entonces esta sera una ocasión para recordar la historia
e investigar un poco.

¿Dónde se encuentra la CUEVA DE LOS MISTERIOS?
Ubicada en Azmare, en la base del pico Maka

La Cosa del Pantano fue originalmente un invocador humano. ¿Cual era su nombre?
¡Claudio Greenforth!

¿Quiénes son parte de la resistencia subterránea a la Orden del Escudo de Plata?
The Peacebringers

Mi participacion a la Trivia:

*the Cave of mysteries is located in Azamre

*The Swamp Thing was originally a human summoner and its name is Claudio Greenforth

*underground resistance to the Order of the Silver Shield is made up of the Peacebringers


A: AZMARE - The land of Water Splinter
B: Cladius Greenforth from Lyveria
C: PEACEBRINGER - Mysterious warrior


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