How to earn rewards signing up friends and family to Splinterlands!

in #splinterlands5 years ago


Did you know @splinterlands has an affiliate program? You can earn 5% back on Booster Packs and Summoner Book purchases? This happens when friends or family sign up for the first time with your affiliate link:

Just change my user name to yours:

You can also see this link here:


You can see all the people who signed up on the same page:


You can also see how many rewards you've received too!


This is a great way to earn some extra tokens and help build the game, which in turn add's even more value to your cards! Its a WIN/WIN!

What are you waiting for?

Good luck everyone!


Great post as always! Yes, I love this! There are so many ways to earn! I still can't believe I pulled a $480 Prince Julian from the mystery potion today!!!~ I wish you and your family to stay healthy & safe out there! ~@clove71

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