in #splinterlands4 years ago

In this challenge, I am forming a team that delivers the effectiveness of armor especially when the ArmorSmith is around. The combination of Tyrius Paladium and ArmorSmith is one awesome team up if done correctly.


In this battle, I deeply rely on ArmorSmith to keep the Gelatinous Cube alive by supporting its armor while hoping for efficient survival. As we can see my opponent relies most on damage type monsters which combines both magic and ranged attack monsters.


Based on the battle details, melee attack monsters are disabled which remains magic, and ranged attack monsters are usable.

My Line Up

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The ArmorSmith plays a big rule in this battle as he is in charge of keeping the armors up always. He has been really capable of holding the front line to its best usage where he silently protects his allies. To keep my ArmorSmith on its effective usage, I put it in the third position to put on hold while making his last stand protecting my magic attack monsters.

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I put my Furious Chicken in front to hold for a moment, just in case enemy monsters do have a higher speed than mine. And at the same time, if ever my Furious Chicken will be killed then, my Gelatinous Cube will get additional health on it.


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In my second position, I put my Gelatinous Cube as it is my main front line. It can handle tremendous damages from enemy monsters where its Scavenger skill could work best. With its 8 health points, I am sure that survival would be longer than we expect as it has additional armor coming from my Summoner plus he gets another armor if ever it losses one.

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I put Divine Sorceress in the fourth position as she can be efficient to deal magic damage to enemy monsters. I am confident that its Divine Shield skill could help increase its survival if she will be targetted by the enemy monster. She can possibly take out as much as many monsters despite its low magic damage as I know that my opponent will be using low mana cost monsters.


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On my fourth position, I put my Light Elemental to work as the main offense of my team. With its 2 magic damage and 3 speed, I am sure that he can be a threat to opposing enemy monsters.


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And lastly, I put Divine Healer on the last position to keep my allied monsters survive, so I could win this battle.

The Battle

During Round 1, my Furious Chicken was eliminated instantly, leaving my Gelatinous Cube substitute in the front line. I am lucky that I am using a magic attack type monster than a ranged monster since my opponent uses a Summoner that adds additional armor to its monsters. I manage to deal with direct damage to Divine Sorceress with my Divine Sorceress as well.


In Round 2, I manage to take down two of my opponent monsters. It gives me the advantage as I am now in the lead in number. Now, I am really confident that I am winning the game as if we sum up the total damage of my opponent monsters, my Gelatinous Cube could handle it without any problem.


In Round 3 to Round 4, I take down again two of his monsters leaving Evangelist the remaining opponent monster.


All of my opponent monsters are eliminated ending at Round 6. It is quite a good battle as I only rely upon the efficient armor aid coming from my ArmorSmith.



My strategy really works as I put a good combination of both armor support coming from ArmorSmith and healing support coming from my Divine Healer. Even if my enemy monsters do have many attack type, still being defensive really works efficiently if done correctly.

Referral Link : Splintersland Game

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