SplinterFilter Update: Earth, Life, & Death Added

We've Completed Earth, Life, And Death Monsters
We've been busy working on SplinterFilter and have added all of the monsters from the splinters Earth, Life, and Death (pending a few). You can see the updates for yourself at splinterfilter.com/filter and please note that we're in really early stages here so there's nothing more for now than the filter itself which will be completed by the end of this week! We only need to add in the Dragon and Neutral splinters then we will finish up the rest of the website and begin beta testing the possibility for our new calculator feature....
We've taken a quick screenshot so that you can see the progress we've made below, please note that not all of the death monsters will be displayed in the screenshot, but we're aware of this and will add in the missing death monsters over the next few days.
Once we have completed the filter we will create a post and pin in it in our community so that you can have quick access to the guide on how to use the filter along with some handy links too! Please join our community named "SplinterFilter" if you want to stay up to date with our filter and improve your SplinterLands game!