Splinter Filter - Fire Team Complete! + Calculator Possibility

We Have Completed The Fire Splinter!

We have been hard at work on the new SplinterFilter site and have now completed the Fire splinter and will be moving straight onto the Water splinter in order to meet our eta of 21st Feb 2020! We're making good progress and should be on time for our release and hopefully we can help some players out by making things easier to navigate and filter.

Calculator Possibility

Yes, I'm thinking about making a Summoner + Monster calculator where you will be able to select a mana cap and then add in a summoner + monsters. The calculator will then give you a list of plus or negative effects along with abilities and damaged caused to tank + damage caused to the backline (if using snipe or sneak etc). This is something I've wanted for quite a while but will be a little bit of setting up and haven't had the time. My plan is to get a working prototype with a summoner and couple of cards for testing, then see what kind of requirements it would need for me to get all cards added.

If anyone knows of a current working calculator for Splinterlands then please let me know in the comments as I'd really like to have a look at how one's being done to see if my idea is workable without too many calculations.

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.029
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83