SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! -- Minotaur Warrior

in #splinterlands3 years ago

How many of you are playing with Minotaur Warrior?
i very rarely meet this monster as an opponent in the battlefield
one of the first cards in Splinterlands , Minotaur Warrior when he was first introduced in the game didn't acquire the reach ability
this feature was implemented afterwards and when it did ,the monster was upgraded a lot in value!


let me spend a few lines about this melee fighter
the first you must keep in mind is that you should never underestimate any of the cards
i cannot say i'm using this Minotaur a lot but i have won a couple of battles with him in the team
an Earth's Splinter monster medium agility, medium life, low attack power and a bit expensive in mana is not so tempting to use
but if you consider that from lvl 1 you get the reach ability everything changes and makes him worth using
in case you want to upgrade the monster you will face a whole different story
an upgraded Minotaur with the piercing ability from lvl 6 is a strong weapon!
lets have a look at his stats!



you can click on the following link to see my battle in which i used Minotaur Warrior
... Minotaur Warrior's Battle...


i won't lie to you
i chose the Minotaur by luck in the above battle
i'm 100% clear with you...i had no intention when i was putting the team together to use this card but after picking my basic cards i was left with some more mana and found out that the Minotaur was the best choice so i moved on getting him on board
i didn't regret choosing him ,he was rather useful i would say
i believe i placed him in the right position to get 100% of his support
of course the most important factor in choosing my team were the rules of the battle
'super sneak' rule gave all melee attack monsters the sneak ability while the 'even stevens' allowed only even mana costs monsters to be used
the battle's mana cap was 40 which is a pretty high level
i had the freedom to pick my best monsters and not worry if i run out of mana points
i was on an Earth's Splinter Quest so after checking my opponent i decided to pick Earth Splinter and Mylor Crowling as a summoner


i think i've told before that Mylor is one of the best Summoners for me cause it provides the 'thorns' ability to all friendly monsters
and 'thorns' are lethal to melee attack monsters
it is like your monster gets 2 more points of attack with no miss chance
furthermore the low mana requirements to use Mylor is a major advantage in medium-low mana cap battles


as said above the mana cap limit of this specific battle was 40 so i had some freedom to choose strong monsters in my team
i wanted to go with 2 tanks in this fight
i chose to place in the first place my legendary Kron the Undying and in the second place another legendary tank with the 'reach' ability from lvl 1 the Oaken Behemoth
these 2 monsters cost me 22 mana points but i knew i had made a very nice choice for my team

just want to remind you that one of the battle-rules was 'super-sneak' which means all of the monsters have the sneak ability
this is the reason why i picked the Goblin Thief to place him in the third place of the battle field
most of the times i place him at the end of the team but in this fight this would be a wrong move as most probably he would very quickly be dead from a rival monster because of his low life-level
in the fourth place i put the Minotaur Warrior for the same reason, to keep him protected from rival attacks
in the fifth place i picked the Stonesplitter Orc, the reason why was because of his retaliate ability
i thought that my Orc was going to be truly deadly for my opponent cause he had the 'thorns' plus the 'retaliate' ability in one pack! by the end of the fight he did his job as expected
in the last position i had no mana left so Furious Chicken was my only choice, my sacrifice card
sacrifice card but very much respected cause its role is always important in the battle's outcome

  • Kron the Undying lvl 1
  • Oaken Behemoth lvl 1
  • Goblin Thief lvl 1
  • Minotaur Warrior lvl 1
  • Stonesplitter Orc lvl 1
  • Furious Chicken lvl 1

behemoth130.jpg | goblin thief130.jpg | minotaur warrior130.jpg | stonesplitter130.jpg | chicken 130.jpg

kron 130.jpg


the fight was very good
i enjoyed it very much, the opponent fought hard and his monsters were very well played
i was the winner cause i played my monsters better
the summoner made the difference again, and this is to understand the great value of Summoners
i won 21 DEC and continued to fight in order to accumulate more DECs for the purchase of my 3rd PLOT


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