SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! -- Exploding Dwarf

in #splinterlands4 years ago Dwarf is the card of the week!!!
...he is furious as hell and his opponents can be really damaged by his wrath...


...he is probably small in size but as all dwarfs he is extremely powerful...
...extremely powerful literally speaking....
...he is a support melee attack monster who belongs to fire Splinter...
...he cannot be used in every battle because of his extremely low life points...
...i said life points??.....correct me please....i meant life point....only 1 point of life in lvl 1..'s not an easy card to have to think wisely before you summon this monster...
...but his big advantage is his attack points...he will not only deal 3 points of damage to the attacked monster but he will cause collateral damage to the near monsters as see he has the blast ability from lvl 1...
...low agility as a dwarf but this is something we can deal with...
....i can say that i use this monster only in battles where the melee monsters can attack from every position or have the sneak ability...
...that was the case in my following battle...
...but before the battle link lets see the stats of the Dwarf!!!!


footer.png can click on the following link to see my battle in which i used my Exploding Dwarf...
....Eploding Dwarf Battle...


...if you click on the above link you will see that i use a Gold Foil Dwarf....
...i like so much this monster that i bought the Gold Foil version from Splinterlands Market long time ago...
...if you like it as well you can acquire this card for about 1.3 $ right now....
...i really do not remember how much DEC i paid to purchase this card...but you can understand that it is not an expensive nor a cheap one!!!
...from lvl 3 piercing ability in running which gives an extra advantage to the monster to penetrate rival armor...
...let's get to the battle...
...we are talking about a 34 mana cap battle...i love this mana cap best battles are always around this number...rules of the battle... 'Unprotected' plus 'Melee Mayhem' simple armor...melee monsters can attack from every position....

...after not much thinking Fire Splinter was the one to battle... Summoner....who else...Plado EmberStorm....


...i have made a lot of gains out of this Summoner i'm telling you!!!
..i'm using him a lot...90% of all times when i play Fire Splinter...
...very good Summoner considering the abilities granted to the whole team because of him... Plado is lvl 1 but because it is a legendary card it gave me the opportunity to use lvl 3 version of my Dwarf...
...what does this mean???
....more power to my adorable Dwarf!!!!


...of course as i told you before the Dwarf is not ever use this card in first position unless you wanna loose the battle... a tank in this battle i used my Gold Foil lvl 3 Molten Ogre..11 points of life...3 attack points plus the Demoralize ability was more than good to be the head of the team!!
...second position ....Dwarf's turn to play... this spot let me tell you that i made a mistake..
...i shouldn't place the Dwarf in second place...if you reading this post keep this tip...don't use the Dwarf in second place in a similar battle...
...i should have placed him in the third or even in the fourth place...
...but anyway...the Dwarf was there ready to the third and fourth place i picked my Serpentine Spy and my Kobold Bruiser....
...25 mana already in use..i had been left with 9 mana points and 2 positions on the terrain.. the fifth position i placed my Cerberus with the healing ability and in the last position my Hobgoblin....
...i should have placed them in a different sequence the fifth position Hobgoblin and in last place my Cerberus....
...anyway...many mistakes....i'm happy these mistakes didn't cost me the battle... monsters were powerful for this level...
...Paldo gave all of them an extra attack point and transformed them into serious killers...

  • Molten Ogre lvl 3
  • Exploding Dwarf lvl 3
  • Serpentine Spy lvl 1
  • Kobold Bruiser lvl 1
  • Cerberus lvl 1
  • Hobgoblin lvl 1


dwarf130.jpg | serpentine spy130.jpg | kobold bruiser130.jpg | cerberus130.jpg | hobgoblin130.jpg

...i was victorious...i only lost the Dwarf because of the mistake i made to put him in second place...
...more than that it was a very nice battle and i enjoyed it ...
...9 DEC added in my balance and i moved to the next one pretty happy...


..Get on board by clicking this link it is never too late to start playing....


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