SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! -- Cave Slug

in #splinterlands3 years ago

cave slugs everywhere ...disgusting creature indeed
but i love them here in Splinterlands
and if you play the game , you have to agree with me


a Life Splinter monster the Cave Slugs is a very nice card to play especially when you get the slow down rule
it is a melee attack monster , i would say powerful as from lvl 1 it has 2 attack points
of course the major advantage is the opportunity ability from lvl 1
it will find the weakest monster in the rival's deck and it will destroy it, a huge support for the whole team i love this card
in case you wish to upgrade it you will get the scavenger ability in lvl 6 which makes the Slugs ever more powerful

of course as i mentioned above the monster is slow
it is very very slow it has 1 point of Speed that's why it is better to use when you get the 'slow' rule
let's see the stats of this card in details



you can click on the following link to see my battle in which i used the Cave Slug
Cave Slug's battle


the above battle was not a difficult battle for my level
my opponent had a weaker deck and actually had no chance of winning this fight
the game's rules were 'earthquake' and 'holy protection'
i chose the life Splinter to play cause i 'm sincere with you i wanted to play with Kralus, a legendary monster with the flying ability from lvl 1
the whole deck was built upon Kralus
Cave Slug was a choise which came later as i was building my deck
for a summoner i picked the Peakrider cause the +3 armor was going to give me a heads up for the monsters which didnt have the flying ability
you have to know that in earthquake the first that gets damaged is the armor


as you see this powerful summoner provides the whole team with +3 armor
in a battle with the earthquake rule he is very useful for the monsters which don't have the flying ability
this summoner has become really pricy these days .. $209 right now in the market is a very high price i cannot say i would recommend anyone to buy this summoner at this price

on the other hand if it reaches $500 than $200 seems a low price....i don't know, it's up to you


lets get to the battle
it was a must for this battle to place in the first place my Furious Chicken
i know ,it is not a tank but i have explained many times in previous posts that sometimes we are in need of a sacrifice card
this sacrifice card was my Furious Chicken

in the second position i got my actual tank...Kralus a legendary massive tank
Kralus has immunity to negative effect spells and flying ability from lvl 1
it's a serious card believe me

third place Luminous Eagle, i could use its reach ability after the death of my sacrifice card

fourth place the Light Elemental, a magic attack monster with flying ability, perfect for this specific battle
one major disadvantage is the low life points of this flying monster and this is the reason i placed it in a middle position so it can be protected from the other co-monsters

in the fifth place i chose Cave Slug..opportunity ability from lvl 1 ready to destroy rival targets, let me tell you here that i'm a bit lucky and i hit a Gold Foil lvl 3 Cave Slug so i have a Cave Slug with a 3 points of attack
trust me 3 melee attack points combined with opportunity ability is a big headache for any opponent, try it with your deck and you will understand

in the sixth place i picked another opportunist the Battering Ram...i wanted to create a combo attack, the Ram with the Cave Slug and i can say in some way i managed to get it....i just had a lot of miss attacks from these 2 monsters and i believe this is the major CON of low speed monsters

  • Furious Chicken lvl 2
  • Kralus lvl 1
  • Luminous Eagle lvl 2
  • Light Elemental lvl 1
  • Cave Slug lvl 3
  • Battering Ram lvl 3

kralus130.jpg | luminus130.jpg | light elemental130.jpg | slug gold130.jpg | ramgold130.jpg

chicken 130.jpg


i won the battle, as i said above an easy battle for me
i think my rival had no chance to win this one
i won 50 DEC which is about 25 cents , really nice payment for a single battle!


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