SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! -- Ability Scavenger

in #splinterlands3 years ago

what a lovely change this week
i have not come across a weekly ability challenge so it was a very nice 'change' for me
'Scavenger' is a dirty sneaky ability
it depends on how many monsters will fall on battlefield and it won't make a difference if it is your teammate or rival
most of the times when it comes to Scavenger i use the Ant Miners which carries this ability


monsters which have scavenger ability gain one point of life every time there is a dead monster on the field
this can be found really helpful in many cases, cause a weak monster can turn out to be a true tank after the death of some monsters
Ant Miners is my favorite scavenger
i'm not using this card a lot but when the rules of the battle make it possible i never lose the chance to enjoy its gameplay
lets try to check the stats of the card


as you can see if you upgrade the ant you will get the shield ability after lvl 6
this is not something you can neglect, the shield ability can change the whole performance of this monster
i play with lvl 1 deck so i don't have the chance to play with an upgraded ant miner but you never know if in future i decide to climb a bit higher


you can click on the following link to see my battle in which i used Ant Miners with the Scavenger ability
... Scavenger ability battle...


as i said above i'm not playing with scavengers a lot cause i think at the lvl i'm playing does not make a huge difference in the battle's outcome
if you are about to win the battle ,you will win no matter if you use a scavenger or not

i'm pretty sure though that in higher lvl games scavengers are pretty valuable

the above battle is a perfect example of how i use a scavenger
first of all lets see the battle's rules
we have a low mana battle,only 18 points of mana available
we had the equalizer plus the melee mayhem
such perfect conditions to use an Ant Miner

the ant with only 2 mana points consumption was a perfect fighter for this terrain
i kept him at a late support position in order to protect him from a quick death and i exploit his ability to be fed on dead bodies
i thought that in case i lose my monsters and by the time the ant will fell in first position ,it would get really strong by his scavenger ability so i would have a strong fighter at a late stage of the battle
when you have a strong card after lets say 2-3 rounds of fighting, then you most probably win the fight cause your rival most of the times is exhausted and weak

Plado as a summoner gave an extra attack point so my ant turned out to be really helpful


i risked a bit by selecting Plado as a summoner cause i had only 18 mana points to use and Plado consumed 5 whole points

i was left with 13 points to distribute along my monsters but i had already a plan
and the abilities Plado provided to the team were by far very important


what i had in mind was a fast team
i didn't care about the life points cause i had the equalizer
melee mayhem gave me the opportunity to use only melee attack monsters so here is how i built my deck

first place my furious chicken, yes you guessed sacrifice card ( +1 to my scavenger )
in second place i picked my true tank for the battle Cerberus, low mana consumption, i couldn't find a better card to use under such circumstances
in the third place i picked my Gold Foil Flame Monkey , only 1 mana point , that was the reason for picking this card
fourth in place the Ant Miners, i wanted to get as much life as i could for my Ant
the fourth place i consider is a nice position for a scavenger like the Ant, in order to do his job in the best possible way
in the last position i select my Serpentine Spy, i love this card, the opportunity ability makes him very handy and his low mana demand was vital for this battle

  • Furious Chicken lvl 2
  • Cerberus lvl 1
  • Flame Monkey lvl 3
  • Ant Miners lvl 3
  • Serpentine Spy lvl 3

cerberus130.jpg | flame monkey130.jpg | ant miners130.jpg | spy130goldfoil.jpg

chicken 130.jpg


the battle was what i call an easy battle
of course the rival Spirit Miner made me a bit sick with all that miss miss miss miss in my attacks ( i have no idea what is going on with Spirit Miner, it is totally sick ,it's driving me crazy many times)
but further than that the outcome was as expected
my Ant finished the fight with 12 life points , a true Scavenger !
i won 19 DEC!


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