Splinterlands | Phantasm Challenge

in #splinterlands4 years ago

One of the new reward cards is being highlighted this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge. The common Death Summoner class card Phantasm.

I'm currently in full process of collecting these cards through the rewards I'm receiving in order to get it up to level 6 which needs a whopping 100 cards. In case I draw one of the golden Phantasms, I will use it on my 2nd account which is more aimed toward gold cards. Overall, I would say the card is underwhelming for general play and it needs specific rules in order to be better compared to other available options. Going at a price of 0.016$ currently, it certainly is a good option for those who aim to play with less expensive collections.

I pretty much did as much as I could trying to play this card but it simply wasn't enough against an opponent that just had higher level cards. The game rule as earthquake which made me play a line-up exclusively with Fly ability monsters. The fact that the Phantasm has only 9 health without shield/armor/heal as a tank makes it a very vulnerable card in 1st position. I did manage to butt its stats with my Level 3 Corrupted Pegasus and the Black Dragon while lowering the attack from my opponent with the Phantom Soldier and the Fallen Specter ending the line-up with the 3 attack Fire Spitter.

I literally was 1 missed attack away from the victory and was quite happy with the deck I build for this matchup. If anything, I love to outplay players that have cards at much higher level compared to what I have available. Not this time though.

Full Battle Replay

Previous Weekly Challenges

Silvershield WarriorHorny ToadGloridax Soldier
Tortisian FighterBarking SpiderTwisted Jester
ArmorsmithNo AttackBlast Ability
Sneak AbilityOpportunity AbilityJavelin Thrower
Giant SquidSerpentine SpyGoblin Mech
Nectar Queen Manticore Undead Minotaur
Spark PixiesSerpent Of EldGelatinous Cube


I had a good number of sign-ups with my Referral Link last month taking me up on the Sign-Up Deal I'm offering. Basically, I aim for my link to be the best possible link to use for all starting players by leasing them a lot of extra cards to get started. I have been using the affiliate earnings to buy extra cards to improve on the deal I'm able to offer and I hit the market recently to buy extra cards for the august Deal.

To see what can be expected in terms of earnings from the Splinterlands game, check my monthly earnings reports.(July report coming later this week)

To understand what the game is about and how it can be played check the video below!

Important: Treat games in the first place as games and not as investment opportunities, Splinterlands allows you to earn some money and get good returns but you are much better off flipping burgers in Mcdonalds when looking at the money earned for the time invested.

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