Mini SPL & Steem Poker Meetup. Las Angeles, California.

in #spl6 years ago (edited)

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When: Jan. 27, 2018
Where: Commerce Casino & Hotel, in Commerce CA.
Who: @bethalea and @nicnas

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Lets get started

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First table with decent winnings.

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Is this the real Jackie Chan?

Saying "Hi" to SPL live!

After playing 4 or so hours on the first table it was time to eat. We are both pretty tall with long legs and the tables are short. We needed to walk a big. So we took a break to the car and got lunch. I didnt want to eat at the table. Too messy. I forgot to take a picture of the Arena Burger but this is what it looks like anyways.

Commerce Casino Arena BBQ Burger. Actually tasted better than it looks.

This is one of the many rooms the casino has.

This selfie got us yelled at by security. I think he wanted to take Beth's camera.
I fought him off while beth hugged him.

After eating and a doggy bag (box) we went to find a new table. Like with the first table we opened a new one on the second. New group of people and new dealers. dealers. We had 3 brand new dealers, their first day and table, out of our first 4 dealers. But we had a nice fun polite table. Others were not this way.

The three players seated before beth were doing very well. Flopping the nutz over and over. They all did very well. We had a couple of grumps too. But they minded to them selves mostly. I do not like attitude too much. Otherwise my "attitude" would have come out as well.


Me and beth short stakin. I was still up here but I made a lot more with a few nice hands that came later. A boat or 2 and this...

My straight flush. Five to the Nine of hearts. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. Hand of the Day!!! No jackpot but a decent pot none the less.

Ohh and we both used steem earning to pay for this using the BitPay card and Shift Card. While I earned it all back and more it was still very sick to use my SPL and overall Steem earnings to play a physical table with.

At the second table the guy behind me said the dealer looked like Jackie. It made me laugh so hard. I had to show him who the "real" Chan I ran into on table one. So I needed to get on the road before it got crazy late. So we played 4 or so hours at this table.

Very fun place to play. Fun crowd. And great friend @bethalea to hand out with. Thanks for checking out one of the most enjoyable days in my life. The food was mostly comped. They give you points for playing.

SPL Meet-UP in LA

coming soon. We are going to try and arrange a private table and have some fun. Stay Tuned!


I used to work right there in Commerce for Gallo Distributors ! I like how Beth is color coordinated with the carpet too !

Yea and both of us were matching the chips

Philly next?

Maybe someday.

Ohhh Wish to be theeeeree so muuuch!! Have fun the double for me please <3 see ya in the tables!!

Hope to see you at the tables too!

Awesome! Hope to join you guys some day.

I look forward to it.

looks like you really enjoyed the time... sometimes a good & fun time gets a bit of a struddle when the other people at the tables just mind their business and it get a bored round

I hope one day we will all meet up and have a great time


Glad you and Beth had a good time. I'm a little disappointed your big hand wasn't pocket threes. If I had a straight flush I'm sure my poker face would have gone to hell.

I only get the pocket threes against you. But actually I did hit with them once.

Next Time we will get more players and a hotel room to chill in.

Yeah, a private steem table would be super fun.

Sweet!! Keep me posted on the LA meetup.

We will have to talk to see what works for you.

I've never seen phones or cameras allowed like that in a casino. I'm shocked that you survived to write this post. I wonder if you're blackballed there now...? Hmmmm...

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