My Weird Relationship with tech: How I Name Servers

in #spitiruality6 years ago (edited)

To continue my odd stream of consciousness regarding technology, I'll continue the thought process by discussing some of my quirks when it comes to how I set up networks. And, it's not your normal corporate network.

If you get to know me, one of the things you'll begin to learn rather quickly is that I am a rather free spirit, and I follow lots and lots of things that currently are not documented anywhere. (I intend to fix that in the not too distant future.) One of these is the belief electronic devices are official extensions of those who use them. To elaborate, then, I am a network enthusiast, and one of my big hobbies is running all sorts of different kinds of servers for the fun of it. 

However, what I'm running is the topic of a future post. In order to understand my server naming concept (also applies to other devices such as routers, switches, cell phones, and so on), you have to understand a bit of my spiritual background, believe it or not. First of all, I'm about 75 percent Celtic; some Irish, Scottish, Welsh, it's all in me somewhere. With that come the magnificent legends of the Fae world, a world which I truly believe (call me crazy if you want to), exists right here in the astral plain parallel to our own Mother Earth. Needless to say, these beings tend to love steel as much as nature, apparently, because seemingly, at least for me, the sounds of networking equipment, mostly from brands like Dell and Ubiquiti, will sort of bring my consciousness closer to their world if I listen long enough. Hence the names. Normally hardware and physical equipment are named for otherworldly cities and towns, while virtual machines take names of either well-known beings, (sometimes further transposed from book depictions of them), and so on. I find that I can better determine what a machine is doing based on the properties associated with the name rather than the name and function alone. If you have any questions, feel free to shoot them my way. There will be more postings about strange phenomena, I can assure you that much. 

Until next time ...

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