SecreT . HanD . ShakE

in #spirtuality7 years ago (edited)

Grammer .. G ram me'r .. hmm ??


Draw in the lines ...
Drawn .. in the lines ...

What is play .. half the fun .. something in between ..
Whats the criteria .. the threshold .. hot to cold ..

Do you know any secrets .. are there any secrets .. whats unknown ..
How would something unknown .. become known .. is there a process ..

CaN 'unknown' .. even be recognized .. .. how would you kNOW ..

Trails .. paths .. ways to get "t here" .."w here" .. ' here ' .. strange .. right ..
... or, 'how much left' ..

The journey from A to B .. in a physical world .. .. what is physical ..
The largest machine ($) .. & smartest minds (?) .. Can't find the "solid stuff" ..

.. so .. what is solid ...

Want to kNOW a secret ..

.. first tell me why ..

A secret something unknown to YOU ..
Maybe there is a "solid" reason why ..
Who am i ... to take away your .. JOY of DISCOVERY .. right ..
Another left ..

What D-anger .. to hold back .. to be tentative .. to take baby steps ..
IS that advice .. for success .. or .. mediocrity ..

Swimming in the deep end .. .. deep-ends on what ..

FirsT .. you have to get there .. no amount of reading or drawing ..
Can replace .. being in the water ..
Nature's secrets .. are BIG WaveS .. .. they change everything ..
.. for you ..

BE prepared to crash ... dive deep .. dive in ..
ONLY the surFace 'leVel' is rough .. and WE't

the only solid thing(S) in life .. are "k(now)n" ..

What is KnowN .. is the physical wall ... holding us back ..
What is KnowN .. is the physical Catapult ... throwing us forward ..

What is KnowN .. is the ZerO PoinT .. between the past & future ..

DO you know you're time-less .. have you experienced it .. felt it
... well what if i said ..
... you've NEVER experienced 'time' .. and .. never will ..

YOU .. the .. experience'r ... of all .. experience for you ..
The third point of the trinity .. the .. thin G .. in BE-t-WE'en ...

.. solid and NOT .. is .. U .. the letter 'U' .. an under ARCH ..

What is kKnown .. & .. what is imagination .. are the same thing ..
With .. different amounts of belief .. practiced focus .. e-MOtiON-s ..

ha ha .. too far .. right ..

LefT-O'veRS .. worng ?? - ))

Do YOU .. want to know ..

more .. .. why more ?

ALL write the"N" .. .. .. u 'k'NOW ... the .. E'N'D
.. is not solid for you ..

.. i hope i will still .. see you around ..

.. not much solid .. for me - ))

OR .. YOU ! - )


(images made by me )


Yes..... Awesome. Upvoted and Followed

.. i like YOUr .. creations ! - ))
i pumped and reSTEEMed .. some of YOUr "HOT TicketS" - ))
.. hope it helps - ))

greb'Z )

Super awesome - I will do the same

... thanks - )))

.. thanks YOU ! - )
.. and BacK at YOU !! - ))

I love it!!! you are definitely a cosmic wave crashing kitten! may the waves crack your heart open and your love flood across the stars!

LOVE FloodS .. them .. some ItchY JEANS !! - ))
GeNeS .. Jinni .. hmm ?? - ))

i wonder if i have enough wax on this board >> - ))
.. comic Wa'veS .. move FAST - ))

ha ha ))

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