A purposeful man consistently keeps his word. In big things, little things and even with life's distractions, a purposeful man keeps his word.
When he says he'll be home by 6:00 he is.
When he say'a he'll call you back, he does.
When you've had a hard day and he promises to take you out on a date, he takes you out.
A purposeful man leads. He leads in the bedroom, leads in the boardroom, he leads in his family, his relationship and all aspects of his life. He doesn't sit around unmotivated or wait for his woman to ask.
He leads from a place of solid confidence because he understands his truth. Leadership isn't about his need for power, it's about creating change and serving others.
A purposeful man doesn't hide or run from what's hard. When faced with crisis he resolves it, everything that can wait ... waits. A purposeful man knows he needs to put out the fires and keep those in his life safe at all times.
Instead of attempting to rescue whoever is the most upset, he determines what needs to be done, takes care of it and comes back to those who are panicking after. He isn't swayed by noise or by crisis, his focus is always on what he needs to do.
A purposeful man puts his family first. He protects and provides for his children. He leads his home with authority, firm boundaries and a space of security and love. He takes the time to have individual conversations and relationships with each one of his children. He is mindful, intentional and prepares for the future.
A purposeful man loves his woman - exclusively. When he commits to you .... you're it. You're safe, you're protected, you're loved. In a room full if beautiful, intelligent, sexy women he's coming home to you. You can trust him completely because he's a man of his word.
Purposeful men have no shortage of opportunities, but they're not about chasing after women. They have moved past chasing women and playing games. They are focused and intentional and choose the woman uniquely matched for them.
Once you get a taste of a purposeful man, anything less never really tastes the same. While these kinds of men are rare, so are the women who can capture their heart.