Soldiers of the army of יהוה Tse'vaot

in #spiritualwarfare7 years ago

Matthew 24:34
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
We are this generation.
Saints we are seeing the rising of the army of darkness, they want to eradicate any thing that will oppose or expose their wickedness and pedophilia rituals. This is the same spirit that ran the ottoman empire, this is the same spirit of Nimrod/Osiris and his wife Isis. Kamal Saleem used to be part of the muslim brotherhood and his grandfather was defacto from the ottoman empire back around the 1920’s. His grandfather began to teach him and his brothers about islam. They were taught by their mother that they will help establish Islam in all the earth. Mohammed says in the Koran that he was given the commandment by allah to war against all the world and until all the people of the world worship allah or satan. Until everyone says there is no God but allah(which also means 666 when you brake down those Arabic words in alphanumerical sequences). Whoever does not concede to you then you have the right to their women, to their children, to their home, to their land, to their government, everything you have is an inheritance to the muslim it is their legal right under sharia which is their law and many banks especially in NY and Washington DC are already practicing sharia. If the men don’t convert then they are commanded to kill them. These are the traditions of Mohammed. UUUUh, Jesus Christ/יהושע nowhere in the bible tells us to take peoples children, wifes, land, and stuff and then kill the infadels the unbelievers(John 16:2 They shall put you out of the congregations, but an hour is coming when everyone who kills you shall think he is rendering service to Elohim). Our God Ya'Huah Elohim does not order us to kill. Jesus/יהושע on the other hand died for us, Allah is not the same god as Ya'Huah Adonai Elohim Kavod haKodesh, Mohammed did not die for anyone but killed many. Jesus Christ Yeshua haMashiyach gave his life for us…He gives!!! Allah takes!!! There is a major difference here. They require bloodshed, יהושעMashhiyach El Shaddai says bloodshed is no longer needed. At 6 years old Kamal Saleems father was getting ready to get rid of him. He was taken in by the muslim brotherhood and taught how to be a complete muslim or jihad. They were taught on how to go out and recruit more boys their age. They were not trained only by the word the Koran, but they were also trained by the sword. He had an ak-47 at a young age of 7 and was taught to fire them. They were taught on how to mix chemicals and make bombs. They would cross into Israel through the Golan heights through tunnels and all of them were child soldiers doing missions at 8 years old. He saw many kids his age that were part of his jihad group get killed from doing the dirty work of the older men the leaders. Islam hides behind the children, and once all the fire has exchanged then the leaders come out. In islam you cannot question whatever the Imam says or the leaders say you have to do it. They train and recruit in the mosques. Kamal Saleem said 80% of all the mosques speak radicalism. The children that have no love, no family are usually taken in, the people that have no hope are usually taken in they take in strays and they train them and build them up in hate.
Kamal Saleem said in their training they were taught how much the Jews and Christians hate them. They were taught that jews and Christians eat drink their blood and eat their flesh. This is what they are taught as children. They are taught in the Koran, that all muslims have to go to hell. The only way they do not go to hell is by martyrdom. If they die while killing the infidel, if in the process of murdering unbelievers they die then they will go to the place of plenty, all kinds of food, rivers of alcohol, 72 virgins, they are half women and half angels, because what makes you a special muslim marter is that you didn’t die to kill yourself. The muslim purifies his blood by the blood of his enemy.

Wow, so basically to go to heaven they have to go while killing an unbeliever of islam also known as infidel. …………This is what they are taught as children, these people use the children. The children are being used for the adult jobs. In Iraq and Iran Kamal said they would use the children to cross mind fields and once all the mines and children would blow up then they would cross the army…………

33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. The Lord gives us the truth not this brainwashing child abuse killing machine……………These people are not playing beloved. We need to be in יהושע presence constantly in times such as this.
It is time we bind and loose…..we need to loose the Kingdom of Yeshua/יהושע on this earth, we need to bind up the kingdom of darkness
Matthew 18:18
18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

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