Giving up your Dreams to Achieve your Dreams

in #spirituality6 years ago

I’ve always been an idealist. That’s not to say I don’t see the world realistically, it just means I have big dreams...massive dreams in fact. I’ve always known that the right combination of decisions could lead me to the life I’ve always desired and not only that, shape the entire world around me. I spent a majority of my life until now strategizing about how to bring these dreams to fruition.

No amount of planning and willpower seemed to get me anywhere though, I’ve found myself, more than once, running in circles without any clear idea about how to move forward. I felt as if something was blocking me and over time I realized that I was blocking myself. I’m sure everyone knows that feeling, that if you want it too bad, it doesn’t seem to come. There is a very. This actually makes a lot of sense.

You can only manifest something that you truly believe to be possible.

Not only this, the more consistently you believe it to be possible, the more easily attainable it is. Doubt destroys your dreams, but you can’t always force doubt out of your mind. Your desire and focus on these things will draw them toward you and then just as quickly, your doubt will chase them away. It happens every time, as long as there is doubt.


So give up on your dreams!

I don’t mean you should forfeit them completely. If you do, you will be left feeling dead inside. Just chill out about them. Take the tension off. Recognize them as an ideal and then move your attention towards smaller, more manageable goals. Bring your thoughts back into the present moment.

Your beliefs need to catch up to your desires

There is often too much tension built up around things we desire. We believe our happiness depends on those things and so just as our desire brings us closer, our fear of not having them brings us further away. If something is too difficult to imagine, then don’t try too hard. Treat it as a general direction you’d like to go and accept that you may not actually arrive (don’t decide you won’t arrive, just accept this possibility). Then focus on things that don’t feel so difficult to imagine. Appreciate what you have and take a break from dreaming so big. In time you will find that new possibilities start to show themselves.

What once seemed impossible will eventually start to feel more and more feasible until eventually it feels downright inevitable. Don’t get too excited. Just enjoy that feeling and you’ll continue to find new opportunities open up, even as old ones disappear. Enjoying the journey is more important than reaching the destination, and the funny thing is, when we can constantly realize this, we find ourselves exactly where we want to be.


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by @skyleap


I love this. It's the whole "once I stopped looking I found it" thing. Letting go of expectations do open you eyes to what is wonderful on its own terms around us.

It sure took me a long time to figure this out, I used to think I didn’t want it enough, and so I pushed harder and harder til my hair fell out ahahaha

hhahahham but hey! at least you realized it! So important to get out of where you're stuck

I think being realistic about your goals and maybe even more important: being okay with the fact that you are not achieving your goals is key to being satisfied aka happy

You always have a way of simplifying what I write into a sentence or two! Yes!

It's funny how as humans we try to control things when letting go of control brings us what we manifest! Great article.

We look at s mirror and expect it to change before we do.

We are insane!

Great piece.

LOA as you well know :)

Set your intention without becoming too attached to the how and be flexible about the journey and destination.

Enjoy the ride!


I’d like to write more about LOA but I’m trying to figure out a way to do it without alienating people who are a little skeptical, as I think people need to understand it outside of the context of The Secret.

Write your truth with integrity and authenticity and don't fret about the sceptics I say!

People are often more open minded than they appear and there is a massive shift in consciousness underway in the world today.

Not all of us who speak to other realms are eccentric/odd/trippy/woo woo!

I for one am rather ordinary to the point of dull :)

And, for sure, we create our own reality.

Nice to hear from you.


This is great advice. Being too driven can be harmful at times.

Haha, my daily struggle :)

I don’t mean you should forfeit them completely. If you do, you will be left feeling dead inside. Just chill out about them. Take the tension off. Recognize them as an ideal and then move your attention towards smaller, more manageable goals. Bring your thoughts back into the present moment.

Find you chill zone:) Always. Great advice. Whata:)

This is spot on, there is this concept of importance in the book Reality Transurfing which is all about manifesting what you desire. It's not that the desire goes away really, it's that we place less importance on the desire and see it more as one possibility among an infinite number. Sometimes it's very hard to do because we feel like we have to succeed, but really it's all just learning

I like to think of desire as being an integral part of our experience, but I separate desires into hot and cool, hot desires being an egoic “I need it” while cool desires are like “how cool would it be if I had a skateboard”. Cool desires lead to “:-D”, Hot desires have us running in circles.

One day I’m going to make time to catch up on some books you’ve been reading. I feel like you read a lot.

I probably have read too much haha, but most of what I read corresponds with the other books, just in different terms.

Thats a good way to look at things, cool desires is where its at, makes life fun!

i feel the same right now, wanting to finish my career but also needing leave my country and get better oportunitys, how good is a doctor in a country where you dont have medicines or funtional hospitals? or where your patience dont have enough money to buy at least antibiotics?... is sad, but i realize that i need to focus in what i need more than what i dream

This is just my opinion, but I think a good deep and painful massage is 1000x more useful than most prescriptions.

Sometimes your life tells you to quit what you don’t like, sometimes it tells you to change your thinking about it. I used to hate teaching until I realized I actually loved it, I just hated classroom environments.

If you can’t change your situation, change the way you see it! :-) hope that didn’t sound preachy!

thank you for you advice, it really helps me a lot

Your journey is interesting and entertaining! Leave it to SteemIt to get to share the lives of many people!

That’s why I spend so much time here. But I’m struggling with the idea of being super popular which I’ve always known was inevitable just because I’ve made a unique life for myself. I want to have time for everyone but the more people pay attention, the harder it gets. Thanks for stickin @roundhere though!

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