An unexpected visit to Sai Baba Temple on our visit to Neelkanth Dham!

I had read about Neelkanth Dham in a book called "Dream Sutra" by Hingori. This is the place where samadhi of Gurudev is built. He was a great soul who could help people rid of their problems in life.

You could say he had superpowers that he had obtained by living a spiritual life since a very young age.

I decided I'd take my family to the Dham one fine sunday. I put Neelkanth Dham on the Maps and it took us to the location. When we arrived, we noticed that the place was totally different than what we had expected and seen in the pictures.

Upon further inspection, we found out that the maps had brought us to another temple. It was a Saibaba temple. It felt as though Sai Baba himself invited us to his temple via the maps. I didn't click pictures of Sai Baba as there were a lot of people in my sight chanting hymns and I couldn't get a clear shot.

There was another temple where we had Lord Rama, Hanuman and other gods on the first floor of that building. We went there as well. This time I clicked the pictures and you can see them above.

We asked the localites about the Neelkanth Dham and they asked us to move half a kilometer ahead. We went ahead, asked directions and finally reached the spot. It was in the interiors and it was so calm and peaceful.

The pictures below are all taken in Neelkanth Dham:

The above picture is of the entrance of the Dham. You can notice there are a few people pointing towards the left and praying. There is a Shiva Ling on the left as soon as we enter and there was arathi (ritual of worship in which light from camphor is offered to deities) going on when we entered.

What a timing I thought.

You can spot Shiva and Parvati in the above image and the rock structure placed on the ground with the snake on it is the Shiva Ling. It gets very powerful from the years of prayers offered to it. I could actually feel the power when I stood in front of it and I didn't feel like moving from there. No kidding!

And to my surprise, when the person doing the arati moved to the next door with Gurudev's statue, he asked me to stand near the Shiva Ling and guard it from people entering inside. I was surprised but I obliged. First I couldn't move from that place and could feel the power. Next when I tried to move to the next place of arati, the poojary asked me to stand guard near this statue.

Now, I'm not able to understand if this was any kind of sign but it felt great serving Lord Shiva. it was like an opportunity which I'm grateful for.

The image you see above and the one you see below are both of Gurudev's. I spoke about him in the beginning. The below one is of his samadhi (tomb). Stories say he used to appear in people's dreams and would cure hem of their illnesses.

It's very hard to believe all this in the modern world but I won't dismiss it either. I always remain open to all the possibilities because our body can only perceive as much as the information received by the five senses.

We tend to dismiss anything outside of that and I think it is foolishness. In the dark, if you don't have a torch, you can't see anything. But that doesn't mean there is nothing. Things are there but, you just can't see them because there is no light. Similar is the case with these things, I believe.

Below is the samadhi (tomb) of his wife, Guru Mata.

The footwear that Gurudev and Guru Mata used to wear are kept preserved in a room with all other belongings. It is believed that Gurudev still lives in that room and helps whoever is in need of it.

Their belongings. You can notice that there are some suitcases on the right corner. It probably contains the clothes they used to wear.

Another close-up picture of Gurudev:

Some more original pictures:

The Dham from outside:

If you're interested to read more about Gurudev and the miracles he used to perform, you can check out

What are your thoughts on man achieving spiritual superpowers? Is it possible in today's age? I would love to hear your opinions on this.

Thanks for reading!


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