Seeing who you are

You are not who you are educated to pretend to be


So many people are lost in what they are not, they are searching themselves in the world of form, material forms or forms of energy. However, they are not completely lost because there is always a small part of them that tries to catch their attention, The part that is their higher self. This is the part that I see when I meet people, I see their being even though they might not see it themselves.

It’s also possible to go the other way, to only want to expand out of the world of form. Expanding, breathing and landing (creativity) are all part of the basic rhythm of verbal dancing. They are all equally important.

When we are lost in forms, material or emotional, we often don’t see it ourself. We perceive ourself to be our body, our physical form. This perception is actually a mental-emotional form itself, like seeing the world through colored glasses. We only need to take off the glasses, but to take them off we also need to let go of everything.

Letting go is also a healing journey, because we get confronted with past emotions that we didn’t face before. This is where there is a balance, a creative flow where we expand (disidentify with emotional forms) and breath (feel them consciously). Sometimes we need to go through the whole circle of the basic rhythm a few times so that we gradually get it touch with our true expression.

Finding our true expression doesn’t mean that it’s ‘perfect’ straight away, because there is no such thing except in our perception. Rather, by letting go of judgment we will find that we gradually become more comfortable with expressing our True Self. We are then expressing the process of going through the Basic Rhythm of Verbal Dancing, which is a creative process rather than a goal.

This is the message I got this morning from Archangel Michael, ‘Seeing who you are’

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