Living from certainty

Self-confidence is not what most people think it is. In most of our cultures, it is Ego inflation. By having a positive identity and a self-affirming belief-system, people think they found themself. Question: “Can I buy this product?” Advertisement: “Of course, you’re worth it!” And then that self-worth, linked to possession, becomes part of their identity.

Can you allow yourself to experience insecurity? This is the path to true self-confidence. By flowing with the uncertain, by embracing the Inner Child, healing can start to happen. When you feel insecure, you’re actually one step closer to this healing, because you’re not blocking out the experience.

People seek distractions to go a step further away from true healing. By avoiding their true emotions, by keeping busy in some way, they get a false sense of certainty. By not looking inward they choose a path of least resistance from the outside, but they cannot be anything but sheep in that way.

True confidence is not to hold on tight. To me, it is being open to any experience. But then, even when something unbalancing happens, this natural confidence will quickly come back. I don’t have to work for it because it’s naturally there.


I recorded this meditation - a channeling from Archangel Michael - a few days ago. Relaxing into this meditation can help to connect to your Heart.

PS: I have been really busy creating an Oracle Card Deck lately, but I am fully intending to keep sharing my truth on this platform. So watch this space for more.

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