A Coin for the Inner Child

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

Because trading can feel so serious, I have created a coin for the Inner Child

When you trade with this coin, you can feel a sense of relief and happiness. It’s kind of a change from some other trades, that can be very intense. Give it a try and join me in this sandbox.


The pressures of life can be overwhelming sometimes. We have to achieve, to fulfill expectectations. Many of these ideas are not of our own. We could say that they are programmed, they are educated by parents&society, by the mind ultimately.

Through the conditioning of the mind we forget how to play, how to truly be ourself. Now it is time to let go of these burdens, these overwhelming rules. The rules were created to limit us, to put boundaries in place. They are only there when we think about them though.

So what happens when we don’t think? New creative ideas emerge. Possibilities that we hadn’t thought about before, ideas that seemed outrageous to the judgmental mind. It’s full stop, and then a new start.

Conditioned thought can kick in when we are identified in some way, when we see ourself as the owner of those thoughts. Or sometimes we can also pick up thoughts from our environment, or from entities (non-physical beings) if they are around. Then we can think that we are the owner of these thoughts, when truly they are either from the past or from our environment.

When we make a full stop and a restart, we disidentify from those thoughts that are not ours. We let it go and open our heart to something new. This is where we enter the flow and we start to be playful.

In a sense we also reclaim our body. We start to feel it in a new way. The feeling gets us out of our mind, our conditioned thought. Through putting some attention on our feelings, we start to feel better. When we start to feel better, we get new inspiration.

In the Basic Rhythm of Verbal Dancing the disidentifying is the Expanding step. Feeling our body is the next step, Breathing. And Landing is about the new Inspiration that we might get.


The Basic Rhythm is also a rhythm of playfulness, it’s not so serious. It’s something that we can recognize in our daily life and our daily processes, but not something to follow religiously. We can see that by flowing with the Basic Rhythm, we connect to our Inner Child and our Playfulness more.

So if we consciously go to the breathing step, it greatly enhances our creativity. First we disidentify from thoughts that we don’t truly own. The breathing, the feeling of our feelings, might sometimes be uncomfortable but if we do it we get great rewards. We feel more self-love and more flow which will lead to creative ideas.

If you want to join me in another playful experiment, create an account on http://www.wavesplatform.com and post your address in the comments. I’ll send you some free coins.

Love and Light,


Michiel Kroon

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