
Thoughts over matcha latte...Life works best as a constant flow of moments There is much liberation in not being put on a timeline by society's expectations. Sometimes when you meet people who say they are sad because they haven't got married, or had a child or got to a certain stage in life they expected to be it creates a whole dark shadow over their enjoyment of the now. The truth is no one knows what will happen tomorrow, next year because we are creating the future in every moment we live. The person that has everything they set out to get might loose it all in 1 year or 10 years or 20 years and be back to the exact same space . When happiness is found in life achievements and expectations it will always be fluid and not stable because things come and things go every day and the easier we can let them flow the more joy we can experience in each moment. The only thing we can be sure of is growth and expansion of experience.


I totally agree! It is very hard to not compare yourself to where/what society is telling you you should be at a certain point, but to just be happy in the moment is the truly difficult task we all face!

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