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RE: How to practice Law of Attraction: one LAW to rule them all!

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

I read 'the secret' and it basically sais the same thing. I'm in such a bad state at the moment though. I have no job right now, currently moving to different air bnbs and hostels literally day by day.

It's so hard to change my train of thought that I'm stuck here. I feel I'm being restricted but I guess the only one restricting me is myself.

I know the law of attraction, I knew how it worked befoere I got to this post but I'm having such a bad time at the moment I feel this nightmare is never going to end.

I read at the end of the post that you lived on steem dollars for 6 months. How is this possible? Is it possible to exchamge steam dollars into real money?

I'm writing two blogs at the moment - one of which is my traveling experience which gets worse as you'll see. When I look back at the photos I took in Australia it's feel privileged that I lived that kind of life.

And yet I'm still finding the energy to put the effort into my teaching in order to help others. This is an experiment to me but I'll try to imagine my success in the future.

I'm glad I ran into this post, it reminded me to think positive 😏


Yes my friend. More than stay positive, actively take time to fantasise about your perfect future. Make this your dominant vibration. Though I completely understand having been in your situation many times. In truth I have very little to my name right now... and these days I have a family of 4 to support, but it makes no difference. I am always kind to others and I believe if I were to ask for their help I would receive it.

Though my dominant belief is that I won't need to ask for their help. Something unexpected will happen to relieve the money pressure. Perhaps it already is... Steem at $1.50 currently ;)

To answer your SBD question... yes, you can sell any coin and cash out, one way or another. Personally I sell to BTC and go to my nearest BTC exchange. You can also use a website to find your nearest person willing to buy BTC for cash.

I really appreciate you taking time to comment. You have more to your name than me that's for sure. Living on steem without a job? That's an example to follow. I am looking for a job but working on this in the background. I've never made money online. Not even affiliate programs so even seeing $0.01 was a shock to me.

It's hard for me to visualise a future I want, that's why I left home to go travelling in the first place. Because I didn't see any other way.

I will take your advice and see where it leads me.

Thanks again.


Yes, Think positive or just stop thinking :-)
Meditate daily!! so you allow the cork to float.

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