Is jesus even real?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #spirituality7 years ago


All my life i believed everything in the bible had actually happened. i grew up in a christian environment so i never really thought to question the beliefs. it was pretty much engraved into everything i knew even my school was a christian academy all my friends went there also. i was completely surrounded by it i had no chance to believe anything else.
Not until recently i began to question Christianity as a whole. according to the bible if you dont believe god sent his only son to earth to die for our sins and accept him as our savior....then your going to burn in hell for eternity.
So i began to question ...what about people in deep china born and raised i doubt they are christian are they going to go to hell because they were never introduced to Christianity? even if they were introduced to Christianity... their whole lives they believe in whatever they believe in how can Christians just come out of the blue and say "your wrong"?

Ive also done research on the origin points of the bible like who wrote it?...nobody knows every one ive spoke to about it says god used man to write the bible and the bible wasn't even written until about 300 years after the supposed events of Jesus Christ. This is the same thing Joseph smith (founder of Mormon) said about the book of Mormon..god used him to write the book of Mormon. the bible is not any better there is no proof of existence of any of those we are supposed to believe from just a feeling in there heart?...Thats not good enough for me anymore. the events of adam and eve were about 7000 years ago according to bible....scientist are digging up human fossils about 800 thousand years old...answer that.


I did a little more research on the origin points of religion and apparently religion came from the first documented human civilization in history....the ancient kemit. apparently kemit was conquered by the Greeks and now kemit is called Egypt.
anyways the kemit were pretty advanced for there time. they mapped the stars, discovered math all kinds of stuff.
being the founders of astrology they naturally recognized the sun as all powerful. they celebrated when the sun was born ( when sun is the weakest) Dec 25th. This is when Christians celebrate Jesus birth...really fishy to me
even Easter was the celebration of the sun taking three days to pass the equator.. Christians believe Jesus rose again and went back to heaven after his death in 3 days....still really fishy

i really believe the kemit had it down they founded astrology...i dont know about you but when i check my astrological sign it is accurate as fuck..i truly believe all religions originated from what the ancient kemit founded, different cultures took there findings and reinterpreted them to better fit there culture..thus Christianity was born

religion is culture based, we are born with a body we are born with spirituality but we are not born with religion.

And the answer i have came up with is no Jesus is not real and the books in the bible are not to be taken literally they are all allegories

If anyone can prove me wrong about the bible and christianity please help your brother..because according to the bible im going to hell


I am not a religious person.
I do believe that Jesus was a real person. I think he is the son of God just as we all are.
Faith is a concept and I believe it doesn't matter if you have faith in God or Jesus or Buddha or any of the "prophets"
What I think matters is if you live a good life and are kind and helpful.
Have faith in yourself and who you are!

Yea dude I agree with you religion is just a way to express your spirituality I don't believe there's a right or wrong way... unless your a satanist or

I guess you have to update your knowledge about ancient history. Some years ago some megalithic ruins were found in Turkey, they are older than 12000 years with stones weighting more than 30tons (I think).

Also sumerians are long known to have created a civilization before the egyptians, whose cuneiform tablets have been translated. They speak of their flesh gods coming from the stars. They talk about the planets in our system, they described the colors of Uranus and Neptune before we, 20th century, knew the colors of those planets or even discovered Pluto.

In south America there are ruins which have been dated to be older than 16000 years, with stones weighting 100tons and elongated skulls which are doubtfully human

About Christianity .... how is that Christ, a man before the Council of Nicea, was elevated to the rank of GOD 300 hundred years after his death, how king Constantine I, had to go with that to avoid a civil war.

May be too much info in one go, just read and then write back, Good luck!

Thanks yes I have lots more to learn


good job dear

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