Weekly Card Reading - Jan 9 - Jan 15 ... What energy are you attracting this week?

in #spirituality8 years ago

Sunscape's weekly reading... Pick a card from the following to receive this weeks timely advice that your spirit/soul would like to share with you.

- Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, number 2 or number 3.

- Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.

- Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.

- This is purely for entertainment purposes only.

- If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an
underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

This weeks reading is from the following Oracle Deck
to bring you blessings, guidance and enlightenment.

" Kuan Yin Oracle "

by Alana Fairchild

I will be sharing the information on each card according to her interpretations found in the guidebook that accompanies the deck. I am writing them word for word, as that is how Oracle Card Readings are done. Enjoy!


At the "Threshold" you stand. Before you lies a way of being that is beyond fear. It is a sacred passing through a karmic veil into a new life of empowerment, peace, spiritual service to humanity and joy in your own Soul.

Congratulations! You are embarking on a phase of deepest soul liberation, into freedom of love that triumphs over fear. It has been quite a journey. Many, many lifetimes and much inner work has been required for you to be able to perceive the light of the Divine even underneath the density of fear. You are fast approaching the karmic threshold where you can shift from fear-base to love-based embodiment.

This is a sacred and important time where it is wise to surround yourself with those that are able to support you in this love-base reality. In the near future you will be able to sustain your vibration even among beings that are base in fear, and then you will be of even greater service to life, love and Divine power on this planet.

For now, allow spirit to help you connect to the beauty and potency, the love and fearless, endless joy of your own Higher Self. Do not be disheartened by any old fears that are surfacing. You do not need to create a story out of them, you can just observe them with love and allow them to pass. It is just your inner Self releasing any vibration which is not aligned with unconditional love.

Sometimes there can be deep testing on the Threshold. This is not an exam to be afraid of, but an opportunity to realize your development and to really be secure on a firm inner spiritual foundation before moving forward in your Soul service to others through how you live and be on this planet. It is no use in preparing to assist others on a higher scale in moving from fear to love if you are still making the transition yourself. Let yourself stabilize in the new vibration then your ability to help others will increase naturally with much grace, assistance and effortlessness.

Well done, beloved! There is much love and celebration in the spiritual worlds about this shift for you. Remember that the only defense ever needed, no matter what the apparent fear or threat, is unconditional love in the heart, which allows for compassion and detachment. You are safe and you are quickening in your readiness to pass the threshold. Your journey is truly blessed!


Mercy tempers great strength and power with kindness, gentleness, compassion and caring. This card is encouraging you to cultivate mercy in your dealings with others and to receive it for yourself now too.

Dispensations of mercy come when you are without recourse. You have perhaps lost your way, become unable to find your way through or have caused some great effect, for better or worse, that you did not intend. It might even be through your own hand that you have cause such a situation, without intention or malice, you just proceeded in a certain way because you had no yet learned the wisdom needed to avoid it. Or perhaps your own guidance led you into darkness consciously so that you could learn something valuable and now find yourself a bit stuck!

You may have perhaps been causing harm to others through your own unconsciousness. You could be suffering from a heavy karmic lesson from this or another lifetime and your soul may be struggling to really integrate the lesson and feel free to rise up and move one.

Perhaps you are in a situation with another where you hold great power. It might be as a parent, a teacher, a healer or a boss. It might even be in a less obvious position of power where you could take advantage of another for you to secure what you want. These situations call for the quality of divine mercy.

Divine Mercy brings you to a place where you can stop the cycle of manipulation, or being manipulated, of unkindness or unconsciousness. To pray for Mercy is a powerful prayer. If you agree in a situation, on either side of the story, whether you feel powerful or dis-empowered, where there is manipulation, fear, struggle, hurting or suffering, call upon Mercy now.

You are guided by this oracle to accept this spiritual gift to you. Even if the situation doesn't seem to dramatic, fortunately enough, the gift of Mercy will abate any karmic escalation and prevent the situation from becoming any worse. It will even help to undo the negative effects of what has already unfolded. This spiritual assistance is offered to humanity from a place of loving respect, kindness and great spiritual power, watching over you with attentive love and cares for your spiritual progress.


Your Soul lotus is blossoming. Just like a plant that outgrows the pot in which it has been planted and requires more soil to spread its roots and continue growing, your Soul lotus needs some more mud - some more water and earth energy - so that it can grow and shine.

Int the spiritual worlds, all things serve. Everything, including your darker emotions and parts of your body that you may not think are acceptable. They are actually good nourishment for your Soul. The Soul craves to love and be in love with all parts of you! Like a passionate divine lover, it wants to hold nothing back and become completely spiritually intimate with all aspects and parts of you whether you have thought they were lovable or not.

This can be challenging because it can feel extremely uncomfortable to visit and consciously engage with those aspects of your personality and areas of your body that you've yet to really love and accept. Yet, this is what you are guided to embrace now.

This process might be started by taking a class or engaging in a physical practice that honors the shadow part of you. If you have considered yourself an introverted person, it might be to begin to honor the counter side of this, the part that needs community and people in order to thrive. If you consider yourself a quiet person, you might need to explore how you can find joy through sound, music and energy, for example. If you consider yourself a passionate person, you could benefit from finding the part of you that is peaceful and content in the moment with things exactly as they are right now.

This inner play isn't about saying that who you are now is not enough, it is about acknowledging that you are that thing you believe you are not - and finding a way to live it with consciousness and love. It is about delving into the parts of you that have been hidden in a vale of shadows and are now becoming ready to be revealed and lived as a part of the beautiful and whole being that you are in truth.

In particular this oracle card asks you to look at where you can nourish your emotional and physical life with more focus - perhaps through creativity, journaling your dreams, creating collages or engaging in dance or other forms of movement. Your spirit needs it to thrive at this time.

This weeks spirit guidance

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this weeks oracle card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. I hope you had fun and found inspiration in the post!

Until next time, this is Sunscape

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

This is Sunscape...
Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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Wooohooo! That is exciting for you! You go girl! I love new beginnings and change!

I was between 2 and three, and after reading I now understand why, thank you for sharing

You are so welcome @ breezin... They were a little bit in the face this week, sometimes we need a little reminder. Thank you for reading the post this week.

yYu might see it as in your face, but to me they were really encouraging given my personal recent readings and circumstances. LOL thank you again for sharing!

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