I Thought Meditation Didn't Work...

When I first started meditating 3-4 years ago, I thought I was doing it wrong. There was no stillness, just thoughts. Endless loops of thoughts, obsessing over the past and future. Completely oblivious to the present moment, all that is.

Then there were glimpses of stillness. Fleeting moments of deep peace.

As I continued the practice, the stillness became longer and more regular.

Then most of my meditations consisted of stillness, with some thoughts popping up here and there.

These days I find myself in this state throughout daily life as well. And over the past couple weeks, I've found myself residing in stillness even when engaged in high activity. I (my physical self) could be doing a lot physically, yet my state of consciousness is stillness. And I am not one or the other. I am both stillness and activity simultaneously. That is wholeness. Non-duality.

And this essence is what exists beneath your thoughts as well. It is the same essence.

One Love.

  • Stevie P

I totally relate to your experience. The stillness expands, the more you nurture it and choose, over and over again, to pay attention to it.

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