Benifits of the prayer" The secret of all failure is our failure in secret prayer"

in #spirituality2 years ago

"GOD Wondered." This is a very remarkable thought! The very idea ought to unquestionably catch the attention of every sincere Christian man, woman and child. A wondering God! Why, how astounded we should be if we knew what the cause of God's "wonder" was! Yet we don't give it a second thought and think of it to be, apparently, a very little thing. But if we stopped for a moment and were willing to consider the matter carefully, we would discover it to be one of the greatest if not the most important thought to every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing else is so earth-shattering -- so vital -- to our spiritual welfare.


God "wondered that there was no intercessor" (Isaiah 59:16) -- 'none to interpose" (R.V., marg.). But this was in the days of long ago, before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ "full of grace and truth" -- before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, full of grace and power, "helping our infirmity," "Himself making intercession for us" and in us (Romans. 8:26). Yes, way before the truly amazing promises of our Savior regarding prayer; even before people knew very much about prayer at all; this was in the days when sacrifices for their sins appeared larger in their eyes than supplication for other sinners.

Oh, just think how great must be God's "wonder" today! For there are only a few present among us who know what prevailing prayer really is and what it means! Every one of us would confess that we believe in prayer, but yet how many of us truly believe in the power of, prayer? Now, before we go a step farther, may I as the writer most earnestly plead with you not to read quickly what is contained in these articles? Much -- very much -- depends upon the way in which every reader receives what is written here. Because everything depends upon prayer.

Why are so many Christians living defeated lives today? Because they pray so little or not at all. Why are so many church-workers often discouraged and disheartened? Because they pray so little. Why do most pastors and missionaries see so few brought "out of darkness to light" by their ministry? Because they pray so little. Why are not our churches simply on fire for God? Because there is so little real prayer. Why is your business failing or not showing a profit? How often and fervent do you truly pray for your business?

The Lord Jesus is as powerful today as He was before and will be tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). The Lord Jesus is as anxious for people to be saved as ever before. He wants us as His children to prosper both in ministry, business and life. He wants us to live the abundant life. His arm is not shortened that it cannot save us: but He cannot stretch out His arm unless we pray more -- and more honestly from the heart.

We may be guaranteed of this -- the secret of all failure is our failure in secret prayer.

If God "wondered" in the days of Isaiah, we need not be surprised to find that in the days of His flesh our Lord "marveled." He marveled at the unbelief of some -- unbelief which actually prevented Him from doing any mighty work in their cities (Mark 6:6). But we must remember that those who were guilty of this unbelief saw no beauty in Him that they should desire Him, or believe on Him. What then must His "marvel" be today, when He sees in the midst of us those who do truly love and adore Him, and so few who really "stir themselves up to take hold of God" (Isaiah 64:7).

The possibilities of prayer are gauged by faith in Gods ability to do. Faith is the one prime condition by which God works. Faith is the one prime condition by which a person prays. Faith draws on God to its full extent. Faith gives character to prayer. A feeble faith has always brought forth feeble praying. Vigorous faith creates vigorous praying. Christ asks this pointed question, When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?

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